Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,59

when you still appreciate the view but can't do anything about it. Trust me on that."

"And that's what you want for Ray?" I jerked my robe closed, even though I hadn't even been showing cleavage. "Get out. Leave my friends alone. You approach Ray and no way I'm helping with Simon. That's our deal. Don't drop in here again. You screw this up and I bet Lucifer will be mighty unhappy with you. Am I right?"

"Yes, of course. But then he's always unhappy and bored. Takes a lot to amuse him. It's a hell thing. Sure, he gets a charge now and then when we bring him somebody unexpected. Like a do-gooder who does bad or a really public figure who falls prey to one of our seductresses." Spyte gave me another once-over. "You seem to keep your guy happy in the sack. We've got a job opening in that department. Pay's lousy but there are benefits you wouldn't believe." Spyte's leer made me shudder. "Lucifer likes to interview applicants himself. I've heard those one-on-ones can be quite an experience."

"Get. Out." I hopped up and opened the lid of the toilet. I pointed to the water. "I'm sure you know the way."

"Funny girl. Hurry with that shower. Your bud Valdez is on his way and I don't think your lover is going to be happy to see him." With an evil grin, Spyte vanished, just not into the bowl.

I looked all around, even behind the shower curtain, then stripped and turned on the water. So what if the water was still cold? I had to hurry. Rafe and Jerry in the same room. They needed a referee and Penny wasn't up to that task.

To my surprise my fledgling had come through with a pair of false eyelashes her sister Jenny had given her. Getting those on straight slowed me down, but I'd just made it into the living room when there was a knock on the door. I knew who it was so I sent Penny into the bathroom for her shower before I let Rafe in.

"It's Rafe. Stay calm, Jerry." I gave my lover a warning look.

"What the hell's he doing here?" Jerry jumped up to stand by my side. Ray just smiled. He'd taken off his boots and had his bare feet propped on the back of the couch.

"This is gonna be good. Oh, how I wish for the days of popcorn and beer." Of course Ray knew all about my fling with Rafe. It had infuriated him and hurt him at the time. Now he just wanted to see how Jerry handled it.

"Shut up, Ray." I unlocked the door and opened it. "Come in, Rafe."

"What is this?" He looked from a glowering Jerry to a grinning Ray. "An ambush?"

"No." I put my hand on Jerry's chest and felt the rumble of a barely suppressed growl. "Not at all." I stared up at his frowning face. "Jerry, maybe you should head home and take your shower there."

"Not likely." He smiled suddenly when he saw Rafe sniffing the air and obviously picking up on something that caused a furrow between his own dark brows. I'd showered off my hint of sex, but Jerry reeked of me and how we'd made love the night before. Ray had probably noticed, but no longer cared enough to even give me grief about it.

"Glory and I have business to discuss. It's none of yours." Rafe shut the door behind him. "I believe she asked you to leave."

"I'm going to have to tell him what's going on, Rafe. No more secrets." I felt Jerry's hand slide into mine. Possessive. I understood and accepted it.

"He's going to blow a fuse." Rafe glanced at Ray. "And what the hell is he doing here?"

"I'm here for the show. I can't wait to see how Glory keeps the two of you from killing each other." Ray sat up, looking more alert by the minute. I saw that he had finished one bottle of synthetic.

"Think you can walk, Ray? Go lie on my bed. We don't need an audience." I nodded toward my bedroom. Maybe that wasn't a good idea with the alcohol stashed in there, but Ray wasn't budging.

"No, too weak. I'm still sick. Either bring me a real drink or call me a cab." Ray patted his pockets. "Hell, I don't even have my phone or wallet."

"Yes, I know. You're here to dry out. If you think you can handle it." I really didn't want to get Copyright 2016 - 2024