Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,57

anything. He wouldn't get it. In Jerry's worldview he was making a big sacrifice here. Giving Glory the big O with all the bells and whistles. I reached up and touched his cheek.

"I love you, Jerry. You don't have to prove anything to me." The truth was I had everything to prove to him. But I wasn't getting into our issues now. Talk about ruining a mood.

"I wasn't - "

I shut his mouth with a deep and, okay, desperate kiss, then eased off again.

"You know what I want?"

"I hoped I was getting there." His hand rested on the damp curls at the juncture of my thighs. He leaned on one elbow and tweaked one of my nipples and, yes, I shivered.

"Okay, yes, that." I nudged his erection with my knee. I'd gotten his jeans off somehow. We were both naked, good to go. Why was I talking? Oh, yeah. "But can you forget tricks and special effects and fantasies and whatever cute things you might have up your sleeve and just be with me?"

Jerry frowned. "First, look, no sleeves. Second, I set a scene, wasn't much of a trick there. And, third?" He lay beside me and pulled me into his arms. "There's nothing I like better than just being with you. I love you. Do with me what you will. But don't expect me to just lie here and take it." He rolled me on top of him. "You've been known to inspire me."

"Back at you." I smiled and slid down his body to take him into my mouth. His gasp and groan were my reward. He only allowed it a few moments before he turned me so he could taste me as well. We drove each other wild with our fangs and our tongues until I finally pulled away to sit astride him, impaling myself on his rigid cock.

"Jerry!" I sighed as he filled me, sure no one else quite made me feel this complete. He held my breasts, his fingers clasping my sensitive nipples as he looked at me with love in his eyes.

I couldn't imagine why I still held his devotion. I had tested it and would continue to strain this relationship. I leaned down to kiss his mouth as we moved, my body convulsing just as his did. We were so attuned, so in sync. If only we could forget everything but the here and now. Finally I trembled and lay in Jerry's arms, too languid to do more than kiss his damp shoulder.

"I will never be able to look Penny in the eyes again." Jerry grinned, took my hand and placed it on his chest. "Move in with me and leave her here. Then you won't have to."

"Can't. I'm her mentor, remember?" I sat up and stared down at him. "And don't rush me. A half hour ago I thought we were no longer a couple."

Jerry glanced at the clock on the bedside table. "That was more like an hour ago. And we will always be a couple. Make no mistake about that." He stretched, his naked body a thing of beauty and, wow, pure sex on a stick. "I'm spending the day. You couldn't blast me out of here. Not with Caine on your couch."

"Did I ask you to leave?" I glanced at that same clock. Another half hour or so till dawn. I got up and opened the bedroom door, glancing down the hall. Penny's music was so loud, I could hear it out here. I guess if she were mortal, I'd worry about hearing damage. I grinned and went to check on Ray, not really worried that I was naked. If he woke up and peeked, Jerry would have a good excuse to knock him in the head again. I would probably enjoy watching that.

But Ray was still out. I put a hand on his chest and could tell it was a natural sleep, not yet the death sleep that would hit him when dawn came. I took a quick detour to the kitchen, dragging every bottle of synthetic with alcohol into a bag, then grabbed an ordinary one for myself. I picked up the bag and carried it into the bedroom.

"What's that?" Jerry had propped himself up in bed.

"Blud-Lite. It has alcohol. I'm hiding it in my closet. So Ray can't get into it. I'm going to help him dry out if he'll let me." I dumped it in the bottom of my clothes hamper, then threw a dirty towel Copyright 2016 - 2024