Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,29

up. "Now go shower, wash your hair and blow it dry. I'm going to nip down to the shop and pick out a few things for you to try on. Okay?"

"I'd love that. Last night that cute guy Trey really looked at me, danced with me too. And I know it was the green blouse and your lipstick." She poked me on the arm. "I admit it. You seem to know what you're doing."

"Wow. Ya think?" I grinned at her while she dug into the clutch I'd given her the night before.

"Here's my credit card. Put whatever you think I'd look good in on there. I have a nice limit. My grants are big." She grinned back at me. "I did mention I was a genius, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did." I gave her a quick hug. "Feel free to raid my makeup bag while you're at it. It's on my dresser in my bedroom. Please stay away from the Goth look." I picked up the worn bra on the foot of the bed. "And, Penny, we're going to have to buy you some new underwear soon. Been a while since you've lived with that boyfriend?"

"Yes." She sighed. "And it didn't last long. He was more of a slob than I am. Imagine two geeks who never remembered to buy the coffee or wash the sheets living together. It was a nightmare." She brushed past me on her way to the door. "I was much happier with a cleaning service and my battery-operated friend."

"Too much information, Penny." I shoved her toward the bathroom, stopped to throw on my own makeup, then headed downstairs. I loved a makeover and Penny was ripe for one. It took me a little longer than it should have because the full-length mirrors in the shop kept stopping me. Oh, woe is me. That could not be my hips and butt. In the fifties and sixties, I'd worn a panty girdle. I'd hated it, but maybe it was time to pull it out again. Of course it would push everything up to a muffin top . . .

I was thoroughly depressed - which I figured was what the demons had wanted when they'd given me my reflection - by the time I took Penny my clothing choices for her date. She actually accepted my advice without argument. At nine o'clock she was blown dry, dressed right, and ready to meet Josh. He didn't recognize her in the pale blue cardigan and dark-wash jeans.

She tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, remember me? I'm Penny, the girl you - "

"Sorry, guess I had way too much to drink that night." Josh turned red to the roots of his blond hair, then he smiled. "Looking good, Penny." He glanced around the shop. "First time I've been in here. I'm not sure I get the vintage thing. I mean, they're like strangers' hand-me-downs."

"Vintage is cool, Josh." Penny led him toward the door. "Retro chic is very in right now. But obviously not for everyone." She smiled as he opened the door. "What movie did you want to see?" She totally ignored me as I lurked near the dresses.

I signaled my night clerk and headed out after them. Josh helped Penny into his SUV, acting like a gentleman. I was glad to see him treating her with respect. But I wasn't so happy as I probed Penny's mind. She'd forgotten to block her thoughts and they were all about trying to control her fangs as he shut her inside the dark car and strolled around to get in. Penny had a bad case of the "I want to taste a mortal" cravings.

I jumped into my convertible I'd parked at the curb and followed them at a discreet distance. Yes, this felt weird, but I wasn't about to let Penny dine on this guy. He pulled into a space at a mall that had a multiscreen cinema and parked. Soon they were headed for the theater. I paid for my ticket and tried not to roll my eyes when I saw we were actually going to see the latest vampire flick. I wondered whose idea that had been.

Josh bought popcorn and drinks. Penny forgot and sipped hers, coughing until Josh pounded her on the back. Too bad. She'd been pretty cool up to that point. After that she just pretended to drink, shaking her head when he offered her popcorn, though I saw her nose twitch and her eyes water. I could sympathize. Copyright 2016 - 2024