Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,22

a debt for Lucifer?" He glanced at the bush he'd burned with a look from his eyes when they'd gone red with fury that night. "For flaming that thing?"

"That will be collected at a date to be named later." Spyte laughed and brushed an insinuating hand down Rafe's black N-V T-shirt.

I grabbed Rafe before he could start something he'd regret, my stomach heaving at the idea of hell's payback. Then I looked around. "Penny! Where - "

"The little rat scurried away into the brush. She's cowering over there. Thinks we can't find her." Caryon smiled. "Don't worry, little girl, we're not interested in you tonight. Just your mentor."

"What do you want with me? And you will leave Penny the hell alone." I stayed shoulder to shoulder with Rafe, though I knew he wanted me behind him. Not happening.

"Oh, Alesa was so right." Spyte put his hand on Caryon's arm. "She does have a weakness. Glory, we are so glad to know that."

Rafe growled and surged toward them until he was suddenly turned to stone. It was a demon trick and I was surprised the two hadn't whipped it out sooner. Rafe was frozen in place, only his eyes moving. I knew they could have relaxed their hold enough to let him talk, but obviously I was the one they wanted to chat with this time. I felt chilled right down to my black boots.

"Weak? I don't think so. I handled Alesa and I can handle you two." I glared at them though I knew I hadn't exactly been a tower of strength when the female demon had taken up residence inside me. Still, she hadn't managed to turn me into one of her disciples of evil either. So I considered it a victory for the good guys. "You're wasting your time here. Go back to hell where you belong."

"No, not yet. Your weakness is so obvious." Spyte moved in a blur and returned the same way, a wiggling white rat in his hand. "For example, check out this cute little rodent. Look in her eyes. Recognize anyone?"

I hate rats, even the obviously pet kind, but I recognized the frantic golden brown eyes. Penny. She sent me hysterical mental messages as Spyte held her, first by the tail, then in his hand, alternately squeezing then petting her.

"Put her down!" I lunged toward him but he danced back. Caryon slipped his arm around my waist, anchoring me in a death grip that I couldn't escape.

"Ah, yes. Glory loves her little and not-so-little friends." Caryon glanced back at Rafe, whose eyes glowed red. "Some more than others, eh, Rafael?" His laugh was full of innuendo and I felt like he'd watched me in dirty videos. What had Alesa told these bastards? Oh, God. And what was Spyte going to do to Penny?

He dropped her in his pants pocket and grinned at me, letting me see his real teeth, sharp and horrifying.

"Morning snack, right, Car?"

"Chopped up in an omelet?" Caryon smacked his lips. "Garlic or cilantro?"

"Both. I saw the most wonderful recipe on this cooking show - "

"Stop it! What do you want?" I jerked against Caryon's hold, the reek of him this close making me gasp, like I'd been dropped in a vat of boiling sugar. I swallowed bile.

"We come with a proposition. From the big boss down below." Caryon frowned at me. "Don't you dare throw up on my new shoes. Italian leather, custom-made." He thrust me away from him. "Stay."

My feet stuck to the ground but at least I could inhale fresh air again. I saw Spyte's pants wiggling and he grimaced. Guess Penny had bitten him through the cloth. Good for her. But I sent her a mental message to be still. He could kill her with a hard smack against his thigh.

"What's the proposition?" I didn't want to hear it. Would never do anything for the Devil or Lucifer or whoever was calling the shots down there. But I'd play along for Penny's sake.

"Lucifer. Lucifer sent us." Spyte smiled. "You know we can read your thoughts, don't you? Your puny vampire mind blocks don't work on us so don't even try it."

"Whatever. Just spill it." I feigned a yawn. "Is there anything more boring than carrying on over a lost cause? Just release Rafe from that stupid freeze thing and let Penny go so she can shift back. She's new and now I'm afraid you've traumatized her for the rest of her immortal life." At least they'd left my Copyright 2016 - 2024