Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,145

son better."

"Right. Bond with him." I kept my face neutral though I still didn't like the idea of Simon anywhere near Freddy or CiCi. "They're my friends, Simon. I hope you'll be careful. I don't want to see either Freddy or CiCi hurt."

"Everything will work out for us. No one will get hurt." Simon smiled as CiCi drifted over to his side again. "I have a guarantee that things will work in my favor."

"And you trust the word of those demons?" Jerry stood close beside me.

"Why not?" Simon patted his breast pocket in the dark suit he wore where he'd stashed his copy of the agreement. "I'm very well acquainted with how hell works. This deal will stand. Otherwise . . ." He glanced at Rafe. "Well, let's just say there's honor among thieves and leave it at that."

"Yeah, let's leave it. All of it. I swear, if I didn't know I was sober, I'd think I'd been hallucinating this whole freakin' week." Ray gave me a crooked smile. "Glory, I've suddenly got a song in my head dying to get out. Mind if I take off?"

I kissed his cheek. "Not at all. Thanks for coming. Your support meant everything to me."

"Babe, you know I'll always be there for you. And any way you want me." He slid his hand down my back to pat my backside. "Just had to do that. Love to see Blade's eyes throw one of his mental knives."

"Always the bad boy." I pulled him down for a kiss on the lips. "And don't I love that."

"Yes, you do." He grinned and headed down the stairs.

"Freddy and Derek should be here soon. And our other guests." CiCi smiled. "I'm so glad Simon has come to his senses at last. Now maybe Frederick can have a father to be proud of."

"Uh, CiCi, Simon just made a deal with the Devil. Please be careful." I felt Simon's stare on me, but ignored him.

CiCi waved an elegant hand. "Of course, cheri. I have to admit, though, the worst of his evil was with those terrible Energy Vampires. To have given them up . . ." She gave him a serious look. "And for his son. Well, that is something for me to think about."

"I appreciate your openmindedness, my dear." Simon pulled her hand to his lips and she let him. "I would never cause harm to come to you or our son."

"We will see. This time I am not so young and na?ve." CiCi eased her hand from his grasp. "We will move slowly."

"Keep your eyes open, CiCi." Jerry gave Simon a hard stare.

"Deal be damned. You aren't suddenly a saint, Destiny. I'll be watching you. So will Glory." Rafe took a step toward Simon.

"Go ahead. All you'll see is a man working to reunite his family, nothing more. Shall we go get a drink at the bar while we wait for our son?" Simon escorted CiCi with a solicitous hand at her elbow down the stairs.

"I feel like I just threw a good friend to a wolf. No, to a hellhound." I sat at a table and picked up my neglected drink.

"No kidding. And he'll do whatever it takes to get what he wants." Rafe glanced over the railing. "Oops, got something going downstairs that needs my attention." He turned to me. "Thanks, you two. Damn that sounds inadequate. Guess I'm officially off the hook."

"For now. I'm serious about that twelve-step program, Rafe. Get the anger under control. You can't afford to draw attention like that from hell again." I sighed as I sipped my drink. Jerry sat across from me and gulped his own synthetic.

"I get it. I'm serious. I need more self-control. No more outbursts. E-mail me some meeting places." He leaned down and kissed my cheek. "I'll send a guy over to fix your Sheetrock. Sorry about the hole in your wall."

"Yes, well. I understood." I rubbed his cheek with my thumb. "You care. I get that. And I love you for it. Now take care of business." I realized the band was taking a break. "Sounds like you need to get the DJ going."

"You're right." He turned and extended his hand to Jerry. "That was a stand-up thing you did for me. Putting yourself between me and the demons. Might have ended really badly. Thanks."

Jerry shook his hand. "Did it for Glory. She seems to love you, though I don't have a clue why. Guess she's drawn to all types. Me, you, Caine."

"Yes, I am." I smiled, really liking that bit of wisdom from my guy. "Now hold that pose while I take a picture with my phone. This may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I wish I'd done it when Ray was still here. All three of you together. That would look great on my wall."

Jerry and Rafe immediately pulled apart, both of them horrified, and Rafe shook his head. "No frickin' way. Evidence like that could get me drummed out of the shifter community."

I just laughed as Rafe ran down the stairs. Then I turned to Jerry. "Well, he said it, but I have to agree. That was one extraordinary thing you did tonight. Putting yourself in danger for him."

Jerry reached across the table and took my hand. "No, I put myself in danger for you. Always will. Now, drink up. I'm going to dance with you, then take you back to your empty apartment and take advantage of this gratitude you're glowing with."

"Sounds like a plan, Jer. Sounds like a plan." We danced until Flo and Richard arrived and let them know that the demons were gone and there would be no more problems from that quarter. I was relieved to see that Flo had never held a grudge, though it was tougher for Richard to forgive my part in drawing the demons to his "beloved." We were all good by the time Damian showed up. He was glad to report that the council had forgiven me too. Penny's progress had been duly noted and her job with Ian seen as an excellent move. I was given credit for all of it. Who knew that Ian MacDonald was acquainted with most of the movers and shakers of the vampire community in Austin? And he'd vouched for me. Jerry wasn't happy that Ian's word had held more sway than his in making the council forgive me.

Hours later, with dawn a few minutes away, I lay in Jerry's arms, drowsy and, for once, feeling like everything was right in my world. I eased out of bed, determined to brush my teeth so I wouldn't wake up with dragon breath. We'd left the bathroom light on and I squeezed toothpaste on my toothbrush before I remembered to look up.

I still had my reflection. Why? Why would the demons leave me with such a gift when I knew they despised me? Then I saw something shift in the mirror behind me and whirled, my heart dropping to my toes.

"Lucifer!" I backed against the sink, my toothbrush a sad excuse for a weapon. I smelled lavender and breathed through the urge to gag.

"Relax, Gloriana. You asked why the reflection?" He smiled, his perfect teeth gleaming in the light. How could something so evil be so beautiful?

"Yes, why?" I felt the cold porcelain sink against my thighs and wished I wore more than my black silk teddy.

Lucifer's bright eyes gleamed but he didn't come closer. "I want you to remember, Gloriana, every time you see yourself, what you could have had if you'd just been a little more, um, cooperative." He flicked his gaze over me, stripping me no doubt. "Yes, those thighs could be trim, that waist tiny. But you won't see a size six now, will you?"

I shook my head. "Go away! I will never be interested in anything you have to offer or anything from hell, period."

Lucifer's laugh sent chill bumps racing across my skin. "Really? We'll see. Oh, yes, we'll just see about that."

As soon as he vanished, I threw my toothbrush into the sink and ran back to the bedroom, where I slid in beside Jerry.

"Gloriana? You okay? You're shaking."

"Just cold. Hold me?"

"Always, my love. Always." He pulled me close, his arms around me, his legs entwined with mine.

I sighed and snuggled in, closing my eyes. A bad dream, surely that was all it had been. I was safe with the man I loved. A happy ending. Copyright 2016 - 2024