Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,129

what he said to the guys down under when he came back smelling like he'd been dropped on his head in that girly shit." He kissed my forehead, then pulled me close. He was putting a light spin on this, but I'd seen that this had hurt him, that he hurt for me. And easygoing Ray was struggling with the same rage that Jerry and Rafe felt. If we were fighting against normal men, the demons and Lucifer wouldn't have stood a chance.

"I was lucky he decided I wasn't worth his time after that." I shuddered. "But I'm feeling better now. I needed to unload, I guess. If I fall apart with Jerry and Rafe, they . . ."

"I get it. They go all warrior on you, start looking for the nearest battlefield. Beating their chests and putting you behind them like you're the helpless female." Ray breathed into my hair. "Shit, right now I can relate. Would do me some good to hand that bastard a big dose of whoop-ass. Creeping into your shower, invading your privacy . . ."

"Yes, well, it's over. Moving on." I yawned.

"How is she?" Ian spoke from the doorway. "Any change?"

"Well, she's woozy. I guess that's from the shot. Pain's gone." Ray rubbed my back. "Still is, right?"

"All gone." I lifted the sheet and looked down. "But my damned tummy is still poking out." I sat up but the room spun so I fell back. "Ian, this is unacceptable. My stomach had better be flat, er, flatter, anyway, when I wake up tomorrow night or I'm suing! This has malpractice written all over it."

I saw Penny's eyes widen. "But I took the same thing, Glory, and I didn't have any problems."

"Yes. But you don't have a boyfriend named Campbell. Truth now, Ian. Did you put something extra in my vial that you didn't put in Penny's?" I used Ray's shoulder as I struggled to sit up again. Maybe paranoia was contagious or I'd been around Jerry too long.

"You know, somehow I knew this question might arise. So I took precautions." Ian turned to Penny. "When I gave you the formula, Penny, how did you select the vials?"

"You had a bagful of samples. You told me to help myself. To take two, one for me and one for Glory. Any two I wanted. It was totally random." Penny smiled at me. "So he couldn't have rigged yours, Glory. No conspiracy possible."

"Well, that's a relief. Would hate to see that old feud start up again. Campbell versus MacDonald." I leaned against Ray and he squeezed my shoulders. I'm sure he'd just loved hearing me call Jerry my boyfriend. "But you're not off the hook. This is the second time you've made me sick, Ian, instead of delivering the benefit you promised."

"Did you enjoy your meal, Gloriana?" Ian strode over to the bedside.

"Yes." I looked up at him. "Well, as much as I could considering the beef was rubbery and the carrots were underdone. Not your fault." I smiled at Penny. "Your mom doesn't teach home ec, does she?"

"Are you kidding? The school board wouldn't inflict her on future homemakers. Now come on, Glory, you know what Ian is asking." Clearly Penny had a new idol and it wasn't me.

"Fine. To tell the truth? If you could just perfect that damned formula, Ian, it would be worth its weight in gold." I sagged against Ray. "Chocolate cake. Roast beef done right? Oh my God! And live forever too? Now there's a vampire's dream."

"Don't forget living in daylight." Ray kissed my cheek.

"Right. You're right, Ray. Keep working on that too, Ian." I reached back to pat Ray's cheek. I was definitely feeling drunk. But it was a happy drunk and I didn't have it in me to be mad at Ian. Not now, anyway.

"Then give me a blood sample and I'll try to figure out why my formulas give you problems. I promise to work on the food one first. Maybe I can get the kinks worked out and you can give it another shot." Ian opened his bag again.

"Not a good idea, Ian. I think Glory's been through enough." Ray eased me back on the bed. "You don't even know if your stomach will go down yet, Glory. You really want to try this again?"

"In the interest of science?" I glanced at Penny and she nodded. "I would like to know why I reacted weirdly and Penny didn't. But I get freebies if you get answers, Ian, Copyright 2016 - 2024