Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,116

Sunday, you can go with me." I went to the kitchen sink and rinsed out my bottle, then dumped it in the recycle bin.

"Yes, I'd like that. And it would make my folks feel good if I could tell them we go to church together." She glanced down at the rats. "If I didn't have to take these tonight, I'd go with you. Definitely."

"Fine, we'll do it. But the rats have to leave. I'll get started on your bedroom when I get back. Keep your window open now and the fan going. Spray air freshener." I smiled as Jerry came out bearing the last of the crates. "Anything else left in there rat-related?"

"Just some food and things that we'll stick in the car and take to the rescue people along with these creatures. Go ahead and take your shower." Jerry followed Penny to the door. "I'll get her settled in the car and come back up for one last load. Leave the bathroom door unlocked." He winked. "She can wait for a few minutes."

"Bad man." I smiled and strutted toward the bathroom. Why not? I had printed out a short list of places he could go to start work on that jealousy issue. So maybe a little advanced reward was in order.

I got the water temperature adjusted, jumped in and started shampooing my hair. I'd just done the second rinse when I felt a hand on my backside.

"Now who could that be?" I sighed as it stroked down to insinuate itself between my legs. "And such curious fingers." I gasped and leaned against the tile wall as he plunged first one, then two fingers inside me.

"Face the wall. Don't turn around. This is your lover, come to take his due." His voice was rough, not like him. But I forgot that as his body rubbed against me and I felt how hard and ready he was. His other hand snaked around me to grasp one of my breasts and he squeezed my nipple, a little too tightly.

"But I want to see - "

"No!" He pressed his cock into the crease of my buttocks and slid it up and down, up and down, the water making the passage slippery and entirely sensual. His fingers swirled inside me, finding that tender center that screamed for him to play with it, to press against it. He pinched it between his fingers, then released. Over and over again until I shook, my head falling to my chest.

"What do you want me to do?" I panted as I bent over and widened my legs, trying to bring him inside me, needing for him to fill me. But only his fingers worked me, teasing me and making me writhe against him.

"Open for me, wider." His other hand slid from my breast and he grabbed the showerhead, pulling the detachable piece loose and aiming it at my exposed center.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God."

"Quiet." The harsh command made me bite my lip, but I jerked at the pressure of the water on my sensitive flesh and I was willing to do whatever he said as long as the pleasure lasted. This was Jerry's game and clearly he was making up the rules as we went along.

Jerry's game. I inhaled and reached a trembling hand for the shower gel as my knees wobbled. At the same time he released me to turn the knob on the showerhead to pulse, teasing me with the firmer stream until I screamed and jerked the hose from his hands. I whirled, the gel in my hands, and aimed for his eyes, squeezing the bottle as hard as I could.

"Son of a bitch!" He threw up his hands and fell back against the tile wall.

"Out!" I dropped the bottle to shove him away from me. "God! God! God! Get away from me!"

Lucifer grabbed a washcloth and wiped his red and streaming eyes. "Not a problem." He looked me over. "What was I thinking? Your kind doesn't belong in hell. He can have you." With that he vanished. A simple now you see him, now you don't.

I reached back and found the spigots, managing to turn off the water before I collapsed into the bottom of the tub. I leaned my head on my knees. The bathroom reeked of the expensive lavender gel I'd bought as a treat for myself at the mall. Not a problem that several dollars' worth decorated the tile wall and had gone down the drain. Not a problem that Copyright 2016 - 2024