Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,114

started pacing again. "'Tis the fate of the Campbell men to love strong women, it seems. Bloody hell, but I can't just talk this out and suddenly be a different man for you, Gloriana, much as I'd like to be."

"Obviously. Or I think you would have done it long ago. You've always seemed motivated." I stood and walked over to him. "I'm just asking for an end to this constant jealousy. To this feeling I get that I have to hide things from you, tiptoe around you or you'll go off."

"You are hiding things from me?" He grabbed my shoulders.

"See? That's all you heard." I stepped back. "Stop it. Don't do this again. No, I'm not hiding anything. Or I don't think I am." I put my hand to my head. What I'd told Jerry or what I hadn't seemed impossible to keep straight right now and I wasn't sure I had it in me to even try.

"Come here. Let me hold you." He pulled me into his arms, which felt way too much like a safe haven.

Oh, but it was seductive. I was feeling much too vulnerable after that whole demon incident with Flo. It was tempting to just take the easy way here. My head hurt, my stomach still rolled and Jerry's broad shoulders could take on everything, even demons.

And those evil slimes were always watching, apparently, just waiting for a chance to swoop in and try their luck with anyone I came in contact with. It was enough to make me want to put my head down on Jerry's strong chest and weep. Who would they try for next? Ray? Another "easy takedown" as Spyte had said.

"Gloriana, sweetheart. You're shaking. I don't know what those bastards are doing to you, but please let me help." Jerry picked me up and carried me to my bedroom. He laid me on the bed and knelt beside it. "Let me get Richard involved. He helped before, didn't he?"

"He's furious with me. He won't let Flo within miles of me now." I stared at the ceiling. "Not that it will do any good to keep her away from me. Now that they've started in on her, I don't have to be around for them to do their seduction routine. This was just their first pass."

"You're not responsible for Florence's soul. If she's weak, that's her fault." Jerry held my hand. "And anyone else who gives in to their offers, it's on their heads, not yours."

I looked at him. "So why can't you say that about Rafe? He isn't making these demons do anything. They promised they'd be satisfied with Simon and the Energy Vampires. That, if we get them, they'll leave us alone."

"And you believe them?" Jerry shook his head. "Haven't you learned anything from this latest incident?"

"You're right." I sat up. "We've got to make sure the demons know that after this they're never welcome in Austin again."

"That would be quite a trick." Jerry got up off the floor to sit on the bed beside me. "How on earth could we do that?"

"We? So you're in? You think you could work with Rafe and me to do this?" I grabbed his hands. "Without getting into a fight over it?"

"I'll do whatever it takes to make you safe. And if it means giving up jealousy." He winced. "Well, I'll be working on that. Maybe there's a twelve-step program I can join."

I hugged him. "There is! I'll get online and find a meeting for you here in town."

"Seriously?" Jerry had obviously been bluffing and I'd just called him on it.

"Seriously. Bottom line, either you trust me or you don't. I've told Rafe we're done. Do you think I'm so weak I can't resist him?" I leaned back and gave him a look that meant business.

"No. You've proved time and again that you aren't weak, my girl. You're getting stronger all the time and I love that about you." He leaned down and kissed me. "So the fault here is mine. I'll go to the bloody meetings and do whatever it takes to prove I want us to work."

"Thank you, Jerry. And I take blame too. I betrayed you. You have reason to wonder about Rafe, I know that." I kissed him this time, showing him how much I loved him.

"Now all we need to do is survive." Jerry held me close. "I'm talking to Richard. He can't guard Florence twenty-four-seven. He'll want to help us send these demons back to hell and Copyright 2016 - 2024