Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,108

effects Ian's concoctions could have on me. But for the chance to enjoy real food and sit around eating with mortals, like I was part of a family . . . Something inside me just couldn't turn down that opportunity.

"Backing off." He held out his hands and took two steps away from me. "Do what you want. You have my number. If this goes down poorly, though, I hope you'll call me." He shook his head. "Yeah, I'm a fucking glutton for punishment." He turned and I knew he'd be gone in a moment.

I blinked back tears and grabbed his arm. "Stop."

He looked down at my hand. "Why?"

"You're just being a good friend. Don't think I don't appreciate it. It's just - " I sniffed.

"That you're going to do whatever the hell you want to do." Rafe shook his head. "I hope you don't regret it."

"Me too. I, uh, thanks for caring." I let him go when a waiter called his name from the end of the hall.

He said something over his shoulder, then rubbed his thumb over my cheek. "Yes, I care. But it would be better for us both if I didn't." He gave me a crooked grin, then strode off down the hall.

I took a shaky breath, stuffed the vial into my purse, then pulled out my compact. I hated to think that he was right. Where would I be if Rafe suddenly didn't give a damn what I did? Could I be indifferent to him? Not a chance in the world. I looked down the hall but he'd disappeared into the crowd. I opened the compact, figuring the best I could do right now was repair the damage the last few moments had done to my makeup. I sure wasn't going to solve any of my major issues standing here.

"Gloriana St. Clair. What are you doing?"

I glanced up from powdering my shiny nose. Flo gaped at me from a few feet away.

"Uh, fixing my face." I snapped the compact shut.

"I saw you look into the mirror and wipe lipstick off the corner of your mouth. Like you could see it." Flo grabbed the compact, opened it and stared into the mirror. "Pah! No magic there." She held it up to me and gasped. "No, I don't believe it." She waved it in front of me, then in front of her, back and forth five or six times, testing it.

The same group of students surged out of the bathroom again and I pulled Flo into that empty break room.

"Come here. Let me explain." I really didn't want to, but what choice did I have?

"Jeremiah got up to come see about you, but I insisted it was a woman's matter so I came instead. And I find this!" Flo staggered over to the couch and collapsed. "You tell me. How did you get a reflection, Glory?"

"Uh, well, I - " I stammered, not sure where to start.

"Let me, dear girl." Caryon shimmered into view, Spyte by his side. The room filled with a cloud of sweetness that tonight had a hint of cinnamon.

"You like? We followed you to the mall, Glory. They make those giant cinnamon rolls. They smell sooo delicious. It does give us a little something extra, don't you think? To add a little flavoring?" Spyte settled next to Flo on the couch. "Picked up a few souls while we were there. Those crafty creatures who man the carts. Very eager to make a deal for extra profits, don't you know." He smiled at Flo, showing her his mouthful of fangs.

"Get away from me, you hell creature!" She jumped up and grabbed my arm. "Glory, what are they doing here?"

"They are the ones who gave me my reflection. They're trying to persuade me to do Lucifer's work. To get me to harvest souls for him."

"Hah! You are barking up the wrong tree stump here, you creatures from the black lagoon! You monsters from the depths of wherever!" Flo clutched me to her bosom, so overwrought she wrinkled her dress. "You cannot have my BFF. Go back where you came from. Roast your skinny asses somewhere else." Flo's eyes were shining and she actually stomped her foot, her metal shoe rattling.

"Now, Florence, is that any way to talk to someone who could make your own dreams come true?" Caryon's voice was smooth as butter melting over a stack of pancakes.

I eased away from Flo and looked into her eyes. "Careful now, Flo. Don't listen to him. He's Copyright 2016 - 2024