Real Shadows - M.E. Clayton Page 0,22

Bud Light down in front of me and started a tab. It wasn’t until he went back to cleaning the shelves that I finally spoke. It was still early, so the bar was fairly empty, but I did my best to keep my voice low, so the entire bar couldn’t hear our business. “Look, Fall-”

She wasn’t in the mood to hear it. “Darren?” she called out as she stood from the barstool. “Thank you for everything.” I watched as she threw down a couple of twenties and I irrationally wondered what the fuck he helped her with to warrant that size a tip.

Fallon headed towards the door and I threw my own twenty down as a string of curse words left my mouth. “Fallon!” She ignored me and Darren’s eyebrows shot up when I spared him a quick glance as I ran after her.


Small town gossip.

I cleared the doorway, and whipping my head around, I saw the swish of a light green skirt round the corner of the building leading towards the motel. I ran after her not caring who could see. Making a fool of myself in front of whoever might see was the least I could do to make amends.

Luckily, I was fast enough to see which door was hers and when I got to her room, I pounded on the door like I had the right to. “Fallon!”

The door swung open and her face was pure incredulity. “Are you crazy?!” she screeched. “What is wrong with you?”

I know-super uncool-but I muscled my way past her and into her motel room. I turned to look at her. “Look-”

Fallon still had the door open and her face looked murderous. “Have you lost your fucking mind?!” she yelled. “Get out of my room!”

I crossed my arms over my chest in a show to let her know I wasn’t going anywhere. Well…unless someone called the cops on our argument. “I’m not going anywhere until we talk.”

She reared back at my audacity, shock on her beautiful face. “Are you high?”

I shook my head. “I’m not crazy. There’s nothing wrong with me, apart from some bad manners. I haven’t lost my mind. And, no, I’m not high,” I said, answering all her questions.

She finally shut the door, probably not wanting to invite anyone into our little drama just like I didn’t, but she cocked her head at me and said, “You must be so high that you don’t realize you’re high because why else would you believe that I’d want to talk to you?”

I sighed. “Look, I wanted to apolog-”

She let out a dark, tired laugh. “You can take your apology and shove it up your ass, Mr. Raynes,” she spat. “I give two fucks about your apology.” She flipped her hand in the air as if she were dismissing me. “Go apologize to Karla and Trevor. Don’t waste it on me because I don’t care to hear it.”

I stepped towards her and, instead of stepping back in trepidation, she drew herself up to her full height and stared me down.

I guess Fallon Reese was tired of running.

I was ready with my apology, but my mind detoured to something I couldn’t ignore. “It’s Xander,” I reminder her, ignoring her words.

A perfectly arched brow shot up. “I don’t care if it’s Jesus,” she replied coolly. “All I care about is you leaving me in peace.”

She didn’t want to hear an apology, but maybe she’d be willing to hear my offer. “Fallon, let me help you,” I said instead of saying sorry again.

She smirked, and it was ugly on someone so pretty. “I don’t need your help, Mr. Raynes,” she replied using my fucking last name again. “Like I told you before, this was all Karla’s idea. I can get through this without you or your help.”

Fuck, she was stubborn.

I stepped to her, so I was standing closer to her, but still respecting her space. “But you don’t have to,” I pointed out. “Just…just let me apologize and explain. Just hear me out.”

This time she crossed her arms over her chest-and because I’m an asshole, it was a fucking impressive chest-and eyed me. “Like I told you before,” she bit out, “I am not interested in your apology or explanations, Mr. Raynes. I-”

“Quit fucking calling me that!” I snapped without any right to. I knew I was in the wrong here. I knew that. But I also knew I hated the way she called me by my last name.

Fallon stepped towards me, so we were Copyright 2016 - 2024