Ready or Knot (Knotted Paths #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,30

allowed in the house, right?”

“Yeah, of course I know. Jordan’s waiting outside. I wouldn’t want to invade your space... this has been your home longer than it’s been mine.”

“Good. Just as long as you remember that.”

Craig closed the door in my face.

I changed as fast as possible and ran outside into Jordan’s arms.

“Whoa whoa whoa. What happened, fluffy?”

He wrapped his big arms around me, his arms pillowing my head, blocking out sound, creating a space I could gather myself.

“I don’t know why Craig’s so mad at me. I just wanted to tell him I was grateful, and he acted like I was trying to... I don’t know. Break the rules? Disrespect the house?”

Jordan stroked my hair, and the aching pain in my chest faded. “Craig’s the skinny, dark-haired one?”

I nodded.

“I’m not going to lie, my instinct is to march in there and make him apologize to you. But I won’t. And only partially because of the rules. Whatever is going on with Craig, it’s about him and not about you, fluffy. Everyone here has been through some crap. I’m not making excuses for him treating you badly, I’m just saying, you didn’t do anything wrong, okay?”

“I got your shirt all wet with tears.”

Jordan tilted my chin up. “No trying to avoid the subject. You didn’t do anything wrong, okay? Not with Craig, and not with crying on my shirt. You hear me?”

“I hear you. I feel like such a child right now.”

“Wyatt, you’re anything but a child. Maybe you missed out on some growing up, but in other ways I’m sure you grew up faster than you were supposed to.” He kissed me. Gently, softly. “I want to know all about whatever happened to you. But only when you’re ready. Just know you’re safe with me, and even if someone doesn’t treat you as well as you should be treated, even if they’re mean or rude, you’ll never have to worry if you’ll be okay again. I’ve got you.”

That night as I prepared for bed, his words lingered with me. We’d spent the day together and ate dinner in the cafeteria, and then we’d had to say goodbye. I’d scurried through the house to my room, barely saying hello to Hunter, afraid of running into Craig again. Even though Jordan was right, Craig could be mean to me but he couldn’t put me in danger, I still didn’t want a repeat of earlier.

It was strange to lie in my bed alone. Strange that after so many years craving solitude, knowing that being alone meant being safe, I wanted anything but that right now. I wanted to lie in Jordan’s arms. To feel tiny and protected.

A light flickered over my window. And then again. Was a car out there, flashing its headlights or something?

The third time it happened, I sat up and pulled the curtains aside. No cars. What then—

Jordan swung the beam of his flashlight over my window. When he saw I’d appeared, he pointed the bright light at his feet. It illuminated him just enough that I could see the wise smile on his face. He blew me a kiss. I ran to turn my light on so he could see me. I turned the outside into a black maw, but I waved frantically, probably looking like a lunatic. Then I rushed to turn my light off again so I could watch him walk away, making his rounds.

It was easier to settle into bed, then. I might not be in my alpha’s arms, but I was still under his protection.



I got off work at six in the morning, and I got home about seven. On the off chance he was awake, I’d messaged Wyatt, but the message hung in the “received but not read” status. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed, but I was glad he was getting some sleep.

And to be completely real, if he had been awake, I wouldn’t be getting any sleep today either. And I desperately needed it. The last two hours of work had been difficult.

But I needed to do one more thing before I crawled into bed for a few hours of sleep.

Mom was an early riser. Shelby might yell at me for not waiting to tell them both at the same time, but Mom would definitely kill me for not telling her as soon as possible. I was probably already in trouble for waiting twenty-four hours.

I didn’t feel guilty, though. I’d filled every second of my free time with Copyright 2016 - 2024