Raven's Return - Ruby Dixon Page 0,55

gritty with sand and salt, my hair an atrocious tangle, but that's secondary to rolling over and seeing a sleeping U'dron next to me, his big features relaxed in sleep. I study him for a few moments, the big, straight nose, the strong jaw, the thick brows. He looks tired, with deep circles under his eyes, and I hope no one kept him up late last night. A protective feeling washes over me as I watch him sleep. I passed out without giving a thought to what U'dron needed. Surely the others were going to be full of questions, and I was too sacked out to even think about it.

Well, I can't make it up to him for last night, but I can at least put on a breakfast of some kind for when he wakes up. I ease my legs slowly out from under the furs, trying not to disturb him. The air in the hut is chilly, but it's not nearly as bad as being out in the elements. It's my first time in U'dron's hut, too, and I look around in surprise. It's rather lovely, his hut. Sure, it's crude, but it's crude in the way that everything is here. There's a symmetrical design to the floor, as if he picked pieces that fitted together perfectly. The wood circles around the central fire pit, and even the rocks surrounding it look as if they match. It's spacious, and everything is hung up neatly. Along the walls are hooks, and cloaks and clothing, nets and fishing gear are neatly organized. The walls themselves are made of stone and mortar, and he's taken his time with those, too, with a slight zig-zag pattern creeping up the walls. U'dron's an artist, I realize, and I'm filled with appreciation for this guy. Just when I think I know everything I can about him, he shows me something new. It's lovely.

He's lovely.

I turn and look over at the sleeping man in bed with me. He blinks, propping up on one elbow as he rubs his eyes. "Is all well, R'ven?"

"Yeah, I just woke up." I yawn, pushing back the blankets. "I guess I'd better get up now—"

His arms snake around my waist and he tugs me back into bed. With a giggle, I gleefully fall back into the furs with him. "Not yet," U'dron says, burying his face against the crook of my neck. "Let me enjoy having you in my furs. It has been a dream of mine for a long time."

The sweet words make my breath catch. "Has it?"

"Oh yes. They were not all dreams about sleeping, but you have been in all of them."

I laugh at that. "They were dreams about…hunting, then?" I tease.

"Some of them. But you did not wear anything while you hunted. Does that count?" His mouth brushes against my neck and he nuzzles at it, then presses a kiss to my skin. It sends shivers coursing through my body, and I moan. He latches onto my throat, sucking, and I know he's marking me in the same way I marked him, and it sends heat all through me.

I am so, so down for an early morning make-out session.

"Are you too tired?" he murmurs, his hand roaming over my bare leg. "Should I let you go back to sleep?"

"Fuck no," I breathe. I've been waiting for this for what feels like forever. A chance to spend some uninterrupted, quality time in bed with U'dron. No one's going to bother us now, no Juth to storm the fire and put it out, no crabs to surge up from the ground, no—

U'dron raises his head and freezes.

"Oh no," I moan. "What now?"

"I must put the food and supplies out for Juth as I promised."

A little whine creeps in my throat. "Does it have to be right now?"

He pauses, a frown on his face. "It should be this morning. I promised it would be morning."

"There's plenty of time in the morning. Can it wait until dawn?"

He hesitates, and I slide my hand back to his cock. It's hard and aching with morning wood, and I stroke him with an encouraging look. U'dron groans and pulls me under him again. "It can wait, absolutely."

"Good call." I arch my neck, trying to give him as much access as possible to lavish it with kisses. "I'm not in a hurry to get up just yet."

U'dron nips at the spot where my shoulder meets my clavicle, and it sends a bolt of need

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