Raven's Return - Ruby Dixon Page 0,28

his size, personally. Big, big fan. It's not just that he's delicious to look at—because he is—but it's that he's flourishing. He was meant to be here on this icy beach, living his best life.

Me, I'm not so sure this world needs a stripper ex-con.


I glance over at U'dron and realize while I've been sizing him up, he's been talking to me. Oh. Embarrassing. "Hmm?"

"Would you like to sleep?" He rubs his ear, an odd expression on his face, and I realize that he's feeling shy.

That melts me. "Sure, bed sounds good."

He nods and banks the fire, putting a large log onto it as I watch. His arms flex with the heft of the log, a sight that makes me breathless. I can't seem to stop staring at him. His horns are small compared to Tall Horn, and shaped a lot more like those of the sa-khui tribe. They curl along his hairline, to where his thick hair is chopped just below the jaw. A lot of the alien men wear their hair longer, but I like his shorter hair. It frames his wide face nicely, and he keeps his hair held back off his brow with a thong ponytail at the crown of his head. He's about the same age as I'rec and the others, maybe a little older. A'tam is gorgeous in a movie star sort of way, but U'dron is all raw power. His features are a little coarser, but I like that they seem so boldly masculine. His nose is big, true, but it's straight as an arrow and frames his heavy brows nicely. His jaw is square and his neck thick, and he's got a great smile, fangs and all.

Okay, I'm definitely staring too hard. I gather the fur around me and crawl the short distance over to our side of the lean-to. U'dron has thoughtfully placed his pack in the middle of the shelter, providing a divider between us and Juth and his son. I'm sure it was an innocent choice, but I'm also pretty grateful for it, because I absolutely intend on kissing the man again tonight.

I surreptitiously straighten my clothes as he adjusts the wood on fire, smoothing a hand over my long, tangled hair. I'm the palest one in the tribe, thanks to my mom's Nordic roots, and I worry a little that it's not all that attractive to alien eyes. My face is average, but I know I have a good body. Hopefully that'll make up for everything else. I bite my lips to make them flush with color and adjust the oversized tunic I've been wearing, letting it casually slide off one shoulder.

U'dron glances over at me as he abandons the fire, and I smile.

He rubs his ear again, that awkward expression coming over his face. I glance over at the others, but Juth carries Pak to the other side of the shelter and lies down with him, his back turned to me. It's as private as it's going to be, so I toss another welcoming smile in U'dron's direction. If he doesn't come lie down with me tonight, I can get the hint.

But he moves to my side, lies down next to me, and gazes up at the stars again.



I adjust the fur blanket over both of us, glancing over at him. I pretend to shiver and move closer to him, subtle creature that I am. "You see any pictures up there tonight?"

"Nothing." He gives me a little smile when our eyes meet. "Perhaps I do not have the mind for it."

"Yeah, well that makes two of us." I settle in next to him, nestling my head in the crook of his shoulder and gazing up at the stars. "But you still look every night?"

His laughter rumbles low in his chest, making my body vibrate. "I do."

"Because you're an optimist?"

"Because it will give me another chance to talk to you if I find one."

My toes curl at that. How sweet is this big lunk? I snuggle against his chest, half-wondering if he's going to push me away. When he doesn't, I put my hand on his stomach. "You know you don't need to come up with excuses to spend time with me. I like hanging out with you."

"Because I am a good drummer?"

Is he fishing for compliments? I can't stop smiling at the thought. "Because you're nice, and you're funny, and you listen to me. It doesn't have to be all about music, just like it doesn't have

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