Rath (The Omega Collective #2) - Mina Carter Page 0,33

and distrust. It was something he and Lord Tane had discussed several times since his return.

“Savannah?” a female voice called out from the far side of the market.

His omega froze and then uttered a broken cry and whirled, trying to find the source of the voice.

“Baby! Oh my god, it’s you!” Frantic footsteps sounded, followed by far heavier tread and a familiar growl.

“Do not run, Leia. How many times must I remind you of this?”

“Momma?” Savannah tore out of his grasp and ran to the female.

They cried out and hugged each other so tightly he worried for his unborn child.

One of the biggest alphas in the clan burst from the scattering crowd, his scowl deep enough to make even the most reckless alpha step back.

“A’varen, if you touch my omega, I will tear your guts out where you stand,” Rath snarled in warning. Var was his cousin, but when it came to Savannah, he had no higher loyalty than her.

“And I would say the same, A’rath,” the big alpha snarled and then frowned at the two females. “Why are they crying?”

Momma. The single word hit Rath like a brick and he called out Savannah’s name. When both females turned toward him, he sucked a breath in. The similarity was so unmistakable that even Var, who was not always the quickest on the uptake, figured it out.

“See, female?” he boomed, smiling at the older omega. “I found your daughter for you.”

The older woman laughed. “I never doubted you would, my mate.” She reached out to grip Var’s wrist. “This is my Savannah. My baby girl.”

“And my omega,” Rath added, stepping in to take Savannah’s hand. “Mother of my unborn child.” He looked up at Rath. “So that makes us...”

“You’re mated!” Savannah gasped.

“And you’re pregnant!” her mother replied.

Var frowned. “My daughter… and my grandchild?” He scowled at Rath. “Is my daughter happy or do I have to kill you?”

Savannah spoke up for herself, tucking in against him. “I am happy. More than happy.” Her eyes filled with tears again as she looked at her mother.

“I have my family around me. Finally. And everything is perfect.”

Rath smiled down at his beloved mate. “Mine.”

She laughed and smiled up at him. “I love you, too.”

Thank you for reading Rath and Savannah’s story. If you want to know who put that mating mark on T’Kinn’s neck… keep reading for a sneak peek at the next book - Kinn.

Bonus Content - Kinn

T’kinn was used to warriors storming into his healing hall at all hours. They were usually bleeding and always full of themselves. Winners came to him for treatment. The losers were generally carried to the healing hall closer to the warriors’ barracks… or to the morgue.

This time was different.

For one thing, everyone in the group was bleeding. For another, the source of their injuries was still with them, and she was a sight to behold.

Lithe, fast, and with a mouth as profane as any warrior, the human female was kicking and scratching like a wild thing. Her short blonde hair stood out in unruly waves and her slender form was clad in well-patched and faded clothing that hung off her frame.

She snarled and twisted in the grip of the warrior who held her by one arm while trying to stay out of range of the rest of her. Judging by the deep gouges on his arms, he hadn’t been that successful.

“Why is she here?” he demanded. “I don’t treat humans.”

“Because they’re idiots, that’s why!” The female hissed, managing to twist somehow and slam a hard knee up into the midriff of the warrior who held her, breaking away from him to vault over the nearest examination bed. There was a crash as an equipment cart went flying. Then silence.

“Oh for xarth’s sake. Someone fetch it,” Kinn growled.

The warriors in the group shuffled from foot to foot and wouldn’t meet his gaze.

“What?” he demanded.

“We got her here, healer.” One got up the courage to say. “She’s your problem now.”

“She’s the cat’s mother!” An irate voice announced unseen from the other side of the bed.

“That is a human female, human, not a feline. So either my translator is broken or there is something wrong with her mind.”

“It’s not your translator,” one of them muttered.

“So she is defective. Again, why have you brought her to me?”

“Because there’s something funny about her. She’s not a beta. Not an omega, either. Her scent is strange. You’re supposed to be learning about the omegas. Right? This one is a mystery. We thought

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