Rate a Date by Monica Murphy Page 0,54

wait to hear it.” My entire body is on high alert. Dying to get inside her. She’s acting like it’s no big deal, what just happened. Digging in her tiny purse like she’s searching for a mint or her lipstick.

Instead she pulls out a keycard and hands it to me. “Go to the suite and wait for me in my bedroom.”

My brows shoot up. “Are you serious?”

“I’ll be there in a half an hour or so.” She bites her lower lip. “Maybe sooner.”

I take the key from her and then grab her chin, lowering my mouth to hers. “Better make it worth my wait.”

“Oh my God, I don’t think we have to worry about that,” she whispers after she breaks away from my kiss. “Let me walk out there first.”

She turns and I swat her ass right before she starts for the door. I swear she puts an extra swish in her step, her hips moving that little skirt like a tease.

And then she’s gone.



I walk back out into the bar on shaky legs and knocking knees, my entire body buzzing from that earth-shattering orgasm I just received. I feel drunk. High. Whatever. And it’s not from the alcohol I’ve consumed tonight. It’s from Mitch.

And his perfectly wicked, perfectly wonderful mouth.

When he fell to his knees and dove under my skirt in the bathroom, I’d been scandalized. And then thrilled because seriously, who wouldn’t want an orgasm from that man? He’s given me so many already. He’s going to give me more. When I go back to the suite, I’m going to have to stay with my friends and act like I’m totally into those silly games and the strippers, but honestly? All I’ll want to do is go back to my bedroom and get naked with Mitch before he thoroughly fucks my brains out.

You know, I’ve never thought of it like that before. Fucking. I just think of it as sex. I even tried to call it making love once to a guy I was semi-serious about, but it sounded silly to me then. And it still sounds silly, am I right? At least, it does to me.

But what Mitch and I are doing is straight up fucking. The carnal act at its dirtiest.

I am having way too much fun this weekend. Maybe more fun than Caroline.

“Where have you been?” is how I’m greeted by Kelsey when I make my way back to my group. No one else is paying attention to me. They’re all drinking and laughing, a couple of them talking with the very cute bartender.

“Um, upset stomach. Too much rich food.” I rest my hand against my belly and offer a wan smile.

Kelsey contemplates me for a moment, and I swear I start to squirm beneath her assessing gaze. “You’re lying.”

“What? No, I’m not!” I am the worst liar ever.

“Is he here?” Kelsey looks about the room, rising up on her already very high heels. “You just met up with him, didn’t you? Your cheeks are rosy and you’ve got stars in your eyes. Did you two have a secret makeout session?”

I just stare at her, wondering how I can politely phrase what happened between me and Mitch. “Um, sort of.”

It’s now Kelsey’s turn to stare back at me, and I can tell she’s trying to figure me out. I play it cool, my expression hopefully indifferent. “What exactly did you two do?”

“I’d rather not say.” My voice is calm. Inside I’m praying she doesn’t call the rest of the girls over to us for an in depth interrogation.

I can tell Kelsey is trying to keep a straight face, but eventually it gets to be too much for her. She breaks out into a smile, just before she starts laughing. “Did you two do it in the bathroom? Gross!”

I don’t bother correcting her. I suppose someone could view what we did in the bathroom as gross. I mean, it is a public restroom. But the Wilder Hotel and Casino is immaculate. This place is super clean. I don’t think I got cooties.

“We get near each other and it’s just like…boom.” I do jazz hands. I watched “Bring It On” recently, so they seem appropriate for the moment. “Instant sparks. We want each other. It’s like this all-consuming thing. I’ve never experienced anything like it.”

“Me either,” Kelsey says, gazing at me in wonderment. “Sounds exciting.”

“It’s so exciting. God, and he’s so big. Like, he can just haul me around if he wanted to. It’s kind of hot,”

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