Rate a Date by Monica Murphy Page 0,45

inside her. Fill her up. Pump deep and make us both come.

“You keep that up and I’ll start fucking you right here, right now,” I whisper close to her ear just before I bite it.

Another shiver moves through her. “Maybe we should wait.”

I go still. So does she. Is she having second thoughts? Is the morning light helping her realize that maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all?

What am I thinking? There’s no morning light. It’s still pretty damn dark in here.

“I mean, we barely know each other,” she continues, and I can hear it. All the worry in her sweet voice.

“We know each other a lot better than we did before last night,” I tell her, nuzzling the back of her neck with my nose. I curl my arm around her front, resting my hand on her breast. Her nipple is hard and I tease the little nub with my fingers, making her gasp. Making her bite back a moan. “But I get it. Let’s take it slow.”

There she goes, laughing again. “Right. Take it slow.”

“Is that what you want?”

“Anticipation is a delicious thing,” she answers.

“You are a delicious thing.” I deliver a smacking kiss on her neck before I reluctantly roll away from her and climb out of bed. “I’ll be right back.”

I saunter into the connected bathroom, hoping she can see well enough in the dark to take a gander at my naked self. My cock is waving at half-staff and when I handle my business, it’s a struggle. Peeing with a hard-on is not comfortable.

I flush the toilet and wash my hands. Take a good, long look at myself in the mirror. My hair is a mess and my face is covered in scruff. I wouldn’t mind brushing my teeth, and when I spot the travel-sized tube of Crest sitting on the counter, I go for it. I put a dollop on my index finger and work it around my teeth, running the water over my finger and swishing around in my mouth before I spit it all out. I grab a clean glass and rinse my mouth, then shut off the water.

There. Fresh as a motherfuckin’ daisy.

Exiting the bathroom, I come to a stop when I find Eleanor sitting up in bed, the bedside table lamp on and offering me a view of her spectacular breasts. The sheet is bunched around her waist, and damn if she doesn’t look like a goddess. She’s on her phone, her brows scrunched together and her lips pursed.

She is really so freaking pretty, even with the smudges of last night’s mascara beneath her eyes.

“You wouldn’t believe the messages my friends have been sending me.” She keeps her gaze glued to the phone as she starts typing. “They say you’re my booty call.”

I shrug before resting my hands on my hips. “If the shoe fits.”

“I’m glad you’re so easygoing about this. I’m never going to hear the end of it from them,” she says, sinking her teeth into her lower lip as she keeps typing. I hear all the swooshing noises as the texts are sent and received, and I know she’s having a full-on conversation with her friends. And I also know that her friends are the true reason why she’s here this weekend but…

Come on. Pay attention to me right now. Your friends can wait.

“And it’s so late! It’s almost noon.” She glances up, doing a doubletake when she realizes I’m standing before her completely naked. Her gaze drops to my crotch, and my erection grows right in front of her.

He’s always been a sucker for attention.

“You want to go grab some lunch?” she asks weakly, her gaze still zeroed in on my johnson.

“Yeah, I’m down,” I tell her as I start to approach the bed.

Her eyes go wide before they lift back up to mine. “I want you to know, what happened last night wasn’t normal.”

“What do you mean?”

“That BJ I gave you. I was really…”

“Fucking great?” I suggest.

Her cheeks turn pink. “Over the top.”

I go to the other side of the bed and crawl onto the mattress, stopping right next to her. “I liked it.”

“I’m sure you did.” She’s still blushing. In fact, she’s keeping her face averted.

“Did you like it?” I ask her.

With her back angled toward me, she nods.

I crawl even closer, my face hovering just above her right shoulder, my mouth at her ear. “I wouldn’t mind a repeat performance. Later.”

She hesitates before saying, “It was—raunchy, how I acted.”

“I like you

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