Ranger's Fury - E.C. Land Page 0,6

of so many people surrounding me I can’t keep my back safe from them all.

“You can let me go now,” I mutter quietly, looking up to Ranger as several pairs of eyes turn to us inquisitively.

“You gonna lose that attitude?” he asks in return.

“Don’t have one but I promised Tins I would be in there with her until she has her baby. Now let me go,” I snap.

“Alright, but don’t try to run off. I’ll find you if you do and when I do it won’t be pretty I can promise you that. What I mean is your ass will be on fire and you won’t be able to sit for a fuckin’ week. Understood?”

“Whatever,” I huff, not wanting him to see the extent of what his words do to me. Guess it’s a good thing I’m in a hoodie and he can’t see my nipples. “Now go away.”

“Just wait until tonight,” Ranger mutters, the corner of his lip curling up into a grin.

Glaring at him, I move away from him and with a chin lift to Raven, Victoria, and some of the other ol’ ladies I know, I make way to the double doors leading to where Tinsley is. Last time I was here, had been shortly after she’d nearly been beaten to death.

Right after that is when I started working this job I’ve been on.

Stepping through the doors, I find out which room Tinsley’s in and head in that direction. As I approach the door, I take a deep breath and knock on the door while opening it.

“I’m going to kick your big ass for doing this to me.” I inwardly grin at Tinsley’s threat to Coyote.

“Luce Mia, you’ll be okay soon as little man is out of you,” Coyote remarks with a chuckle.

“I highly doubt she’ll be okay fully considering her vagina will be stretched to the max by your kid,” I snicker, making my way toward Tinsley.

“Where the hell have you been?” she snaps, narrowing her gaze on me.

“Doesn’t matter,” I shrug as I lean forward.

“Bullshit. Tinsley was calling you nonstop and you didn’t answer,” Coyote snarls, fury glimmering in his gaze. He’s more than pissed with me but honestly, I don’t give a damn I don’t report to him or anyone else. Tinsley knew there was a slight chance I might not have been able to make it today; however, I’m here and Coyote can shove his pissy mood up his ass. He doesn’t need to know my business just as no one else does.

“Harlow,” Tinsley groans as another contraction hits her. “Tell me at least why you didn’t answer the phone.”

“Didn’t have it with me when I went out last night,” I murmur honestly, meeting her gaze.

“Not smart, woman,” Coyote growls and I inwardly roll my eyes at him, though I get where he’s coming from. His sister went through some shit not long ago and now she’s happy with one of his brothers.

“Not smart? Right. Can we drop the subject about me and focus on this baby?” I suggest, icy feelings starting to seep in. I’ve never had a problem with Coyote but right now him being in super dick mode is starting to piss me the hell off.

“Yeah, we’ll do that for now but don’t think this conversation is over with. I don’t know what’s going on with you and considering you’re one of my best friends I’m not going to let it slide. I want to know what’s going on. You disappeared without so much as a word to any of us and Raven simply tells me you’re doing something she can’t talk about ‘cause she didn’t know all the facts. Well, woman, you’re gonna talk,” Tinsley grumbles, throwing her head back against the pillow, clenching her eyes shut.

Jesus H. Christ.

Tinsley can be fuckin’ demanding and bossy when in pain.

“We’re not talking about this now or ever,” I declare firmly. It doesn’t matter to me if we’re best friends or not. Which is news to me. I’ve never had a best friend, only my family.

“We’ll see about that,” Coyote states, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Damnit, someone get me the fuckin’ epidural,” Tinsley nearly screams, sweat beading on her forehead.

“You said you didn’t want it and that we weren’t to allow you to say otherwise,” I inform her before her man could give into her demands.

“I don’t care what I said then, this little dude is going to rip me a part,” she yells through her contraction.

“Babe, seriously, you can handle

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