Ranger's Fury - E.C. Land Page 0,35

fuck up, Wolf, and go home,” I yell back as he burst out laughing.

“Just saying, brother,” he chuckles.

Shaking my head, I take the thing from Harlow and go about putting it back into its place and climb in.

“Alright, baby. It’s time we go have some you and me time before the next shit storm hits,” I tell her.

“Sounds good to me,” she sighs. “Oh, and just so you know, if you want there is a wedding chapel place near where we’re going, if you wanna marry me.”

Whipping my head in her direction, I grin. “That’s my question to ask, baby but fuck yeah. I’m gonna marry you and we’re doing that first thing.”

“Then what are we waiting for.” She smiles.

“Nothing, baby, I finally have all of you, nothing else to wait for.” I murmur, lifting a hand to cup the back of her head, pulling her to me to capture her mouth.

This right here is all I need. I knew it then and I know it now. Harlow was always meant to be mine. I just didn’t realize I needed to carry the fury for her. Now I know and I’ll make sure she never carries that burden again.



Three Months Later

“Ryan,” I moan calling out Ranger’s name as he thrust into my with quick strides.

“Fuckin yeah baby. Come on my dick,” he growls picking up pace. His hands digging into my hips.

My orgasm hits me instantly and I’m throw my head back as the amazing sensations flow through me sending shivers up my spine. God knows I’ll never get tired of feeling this with my man. The way he makes me feel every time he’s inside me.

Ranger roar’s my name as he follows me over into the abyss his dick twitch, come pouring deep inside me.

Over the past three months, we’d moved into his house, making it our home.

Home. It was nice to finally call somewhere an actual home rather than a house.

Ranger and I ended up at the wedding chapel, married with in minutes and at the house in Sandbridge. That night he spent it lavishing me with the balcony doors open. I’ve come to love the sound of the water hitting the sand. At night it’s so peaceful, I could listen to it for the rest of my life. But it’s not always good to have to much of a good thing. Besides it makes it special when Ranger and I take weekends away.

Which we’ve done multiple times in the past months when he wasn’t doing anything for the club. I hadn’t gone back to work at the hospital. Honestly, I didn’t want to. I decided to help do something completely different. I went to work with Victoria at the club. She needed it and I was someone she could trust. I was good with it long as I didn’t have to dance.

Ranger and I ended up taking a long weekend and riding down to Louisiana. It was the first time I’d gone there since I left so long ago. While there I met all the members of my brothers club and the ol’ ladies who were now a part of it all. It amazed me how much everything had change and when Ranger took me to the cemetery where my dad was, it had been nice, him holding me close after I’d laid a single rose on his stone.

It was blissful and definitely something I needed to do. I’d finally found my peace and I couldn’t be any happier. I hadn’t been upset or anything. Not even when I’d walked into the club house to find Jezebel trying to rub up on my man. I didn’t have to get upset, Ranger put the bitch in her place for me. Since then she’s shied away from him, thankfully. I’m done with being the one who disperses justices.

“Fuck baby, I love you,” Ranger rasps bracing himself up on his elbows.

“I love you to Ryan,” I breath. “And I’ve got a surprise for you.”

Grinning, Ranger leans in to brush his nose against mine. “Oh yeah what’s that?” he asks.

“Well you see, Victoria’s not the only one pregnant anymore,” I announce with a smile.

“Wait hold up,” Ranger says, leaning back up in order to look me fulling in the face. “You’re pregnant?”

“Yep,” I nod smiling.

“Fuck baby. I fuckin’ love you. You just made me happier than I already was,” he murmurs right before bringing his mouth down on mine.

More like he’s made me happier than I’ve been in my entire life. I don’t think I could ever live without this man. Not having felt the difference in my world with him not in it.

We might not have found Ezra yet but when we do I know he’ll release the fury he’d take from me and make sure the man feels ever last ounce of it.

For now until that day comes, I get to enjoy this right here without worrying about what the future holds. Even better I don’t ever have to look over my shoulder again.

All thanks to this man holding me to him.

Dear Readers,

I hope you have enjoyed Ranger’s Fury. I’m sure you are all chomping at the bit to know what happened with a couple things that I’ve mentioned in this one. Well, I’d like to point out that Ranger’s Fury takes place after Carrying Blaze’s Mark and Stoney’s Gift. I wanted to make sure that you see what was going on with Ranger and Harlow before you got the others.

Now I know it might have seemed a little confusing by the timeline, but please note that Ranger’s Fury takes place eight months after Choosing Nerd where the epilogue takes place. During this time so many things can happen and did. So, make sure to check out all the stories coming out in December to find out what all happened. From Fated for Pitch Black, Carrying Blaze’s Mark and Stoney’s Gift (this will be a part of the Santa’s Naughty Helpers Anthology).

Finally Neo’s Strength will be following these and I’ll note now it will be taking place after Ranger’s Fury as this couple figures out how to handle the demons’ she carries within her and if Neo can help her get past it all.



Neo’s Strength


The day I found her crumbled and shut down from the world, I knew it was going to take a miracle to bring her back to me. It would take all my strength to pull her out of the dark abyss.

But no war is won without fighting and winning the battles before it.

Little did I know it would take much more than only my strength to guide her through the dark. But rather my heart as well.

As terror surrounds us, her demons refuse to leave her alone, leaving me crippled with one arm tied behind my back.

Will I be able to save her in time before the demons snatch her from my grasp, or will we make it out with only moments to spare?

Carrying Blaze’s Mark


Never before did I think I would have this again—a family. Now I stand with my little bird and a child we’re raising as our own. It doesn’t matter how he came to us. He’s ours and nothing will ever change that.

Life is better than it has been in a long time and I’m lovin’ it.

At least, it was until the past comes knocking down our door, leaving my woman feeling haunted all over again. She came face-to-face with demons who shouldn’t have been around.

Will Raven be able to handle the weight this will put on her and grasp hold of me as her anchor? Or will the fires of Tartarus reap upon us both, incinerating everything we’ve created to ash?

Whichever it is I’ll make sure my bird and son are safe, regardless of those who we face.

Fated for Pitch Black

Pitch Black

Darkness is where I live even in the light of day. I don’t care about anyone except those affiliated with my club. My heart was hardened a long time ago, making me good at what I do for my brothers and nothing will ever change that.

There are reasons why I’m so good at what I do, but I refuse to talk about it. Not even when my brothers question me. No one can fix what was broken. She left and isn’t coming back.

That is until fate intervenes, bringing her straight to my doorstep.

The woman who changed me for the worst. She’s the one responsible for gutting me the first time. How the fuck am I supposed to move past this? I have a hard time letting anyone who fucks me over back in, but does she really expect me to let her in pass the threshold?

Can I accept her apology and reasons for her actions, or do I cast her out to the wolves nipping at her heels?

Either way she still has the one thing of mine that will always be hers—my soul.

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