Ranger's Fury - E.C. Land Page 0,3


Last night after Ranger carried me out of the club, I’d been completely pissed beyond reason. I didn’t trust myself to speak a word to him. He doesn’t know what he could have done. Shit, if I knew they were going to be at the club I’d been at last night I wouldn’t have been there, unfortunately I needed to be.

What I was hired to do took precedence over my personal life. I’d pretty much locked everyone out except for Trevor, Raven, and Victoria. When it came to Victoria and Raven, I even minimized my contact with them. Trevor was my contact point for this one. When I’d first received the message asking for my help in finding a girl barely seventeen years old who’d gone out with some of her friends to the movies, I found out she’d been taken into a slavery organization.

Upon finding this out, Trevor suggested I bring Vi and Raven on; however, I pointed out to him both of them have families that need them. Raven just had her baby not long ago, along with their other son who is still an infant as well, to take care of. No one would ever guess that Matthew wasn’t Raven’s with the way she is around him. Victoria had Jamie to take care of and was working at Dolly’s Playhouse, managing the club for the Devil’s Riot MC. I do know from a message she left me not to long ago she’d had to assist the Inferno’s Clutch MC with a situation.

It’s mind boggling with how intertwined our family is with both clubs. Victoria being Chains’ sister and Ryder’s niece, Raven being Fury’s daughter and Pitch Black’s sister. Of course, then there’s Lynch and me, we’re Fury’s nephew and niece; however, we’re more like his children. After our mom, Scarlett, decided she couldn’t handle being a parent, she’d signed her rights over making us Fury and Ela’s children.

Growing up it wasn’t bad, I enjoyed the fact Raven was more like my sister who was the same age as me. Then that fateful day happened that altered my entire life, I left Louisiana and never went back. Not even for any of the holidays. I couldn’t go there. This decision pissed my brother off, but he understood. Pitch Black was livid about this decision, he’d been the one to find me and felt the pain of it as if it were his own. Didn’t matter if anyone told him it wasn’t his fault it happened.

Now standing in front of Ranger seeing his expression, I know he’s beyond pissed with me at the moment for hiding from him. If he’d really looked close enough he would’ve seen me, but because he was focused more on the entire room rather than sections like for instance the corner of the floor where I’d sat with my knees up cradled to my chest while trying to figure out a way to get away from him.

I’ve done everything in my power to keep Ranger at arm’s length. I didn’t need him to be in my life wanting to know what I was up to. No one knew for sure.

Yeah, I took a hiatus from this part of my life and became a nurse working with infants. I loved it but after I received that message, the Harpy within me decided to come out of hibernation ready to unleash her fury on the world.

Everyone assumes I’m this emotionless woman who wants to do nothing more than live a reclusive life. Ranger on the other hand I sense sees me differently. At moments when we’re around each other I find him either—glaring at me as if he were annoyed by my presence, other times I notice the glimmer of desire shining through.

“You need to call Tinsley, she’s been trying to call you, and we gotta get to the hospital she’s having the baby,” Ranger announces drawing me out of my head.

“What?” I ask, furrowing my brows unsure I heard him right.

“Tinsley’s in labor. You gotta call her or Coyote. I need to get to the hospital and you’re coming with me,” he reiterates, moving around the room. My eyes follow his every movement as his words register. Shit, Tinsley’s having the baby and I promised her I’d be there for her.

Tinsley called me after getting my number from Raven and nearly begged me to be with her when she went into the hospital. So, I’d given her my word I wouldn’t let anyone else touch

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