The Ranger of Marzanna (The Goddess War #1) - Jon Skovron Page 0,121


“Yes, miss.”

Masha opened the door, and the two entered what appeared to be a large storage room. The walls were lined with ale casks, wine barrels, and a number of crates and canvas sacks filled with all manner of goods. A large rickety table sat in the center of the room. Twenty or so people were crowded around it, their faces all looking expectantly at Galina. She had not anticipated quite so many to start with. It was more than a little daunting, and if it weren’t for the comforting anonymity of the mask, she might have frozen. As it was, it took her several moments of conscious, steady breaths before she was ready to speak.

“Thank you all for risking so much to meet with me,” she told them. “I have a great number of resources at my disposal, and perhaps more importantly, the trust of one of the imperial commander’s inner circle. But I fear I know precious little about what actually goes on in our fair, downtrodden Izmoroz, and that is why I have asked you here. Perhaps together we might find a way to free our people with as little bloodshed as possible.”

A young man hesitantly raised his hand.

“Yes?” asked Galina.

“Is it true the imperials have a wizard now?”

Galina nodded. “You may have heard about a rebel group being cruelly burned to death near Otriye by a wizard, and I’m sorry to say those rumors are correct. The imperial wizard is young and perhaps overly influenced by his commander. I suspect he genuinely believes he is doing what’s best for Izmoroz, and I would like to think he would not willingly harm unarmed innocent people, but…” She felt her throat constrict as emotions unexpectedly suffused her. She had thought herself over the loss of her idealized version of Sebastian, but perhaps not completely. “Apparently I am wrong. So we will need to consider carefully how we might stand against such power, should it come to open conflict.”

“Only thing I can think would stand against a wizard is a Ranger of Marzanna,” said a middle-aged woman.

Galina knew of the fabled Rangers of Marzanna, of course. They appeared many times in Izmorozian poetry, and in the folk stories her father brought home from his travels. If what was said about them was true, they would indeed be a potent force. If it was true. And if any of them still lived.

“My understanding is that the Rangers had all been put to death at the end of the war,” she said.

“Well, I seen one,” said an old man.

“When was that?” she asked.

He shrugged. “Earlier this winter.”

“Olin, I never took you for no liar,” said another old man. “But you know as well as I do that what the good miss here says is true. There ain’t any Rangers left. The empire made damn sure of it.”

Olin scowled. “Liar, am I? Well, what of this?”

He held up what appeared to be a large bear claw. Several at the table gasped.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand the significance of the claw,” Galina confessed.

Masha explained. “It’s said that a Ranger gives a bear claw to someone if they feel they owe them a debt. That person can then show the claw to any Ranger at any time, and the Ranger is honor bound to help them.”

Olin nodded, looking proud. “She was banged up pretty bad. I helped her set her broken arm, and gave her a ride in my wagon, without even knowing who she was. But then she give me this.”

He looked down reverently at the claw in his hand, while others leaned over him to get a better look at it.

“Where did you take this Ranger in your wagon?” asked Galina.

“To Roskosh Manor.”

Galina took a moment to calm herself before speaking. Surely it was some strange coincidence. A Ranger had recently visited her home? It couldn’t be possible. “You’re certain it was Roskosh Manor?”

“I am.”

“And… what did this Ranger look like?”

“Young woman. Real pretty, as I recall. Black hair, like an Aureumian, but skin as pale as any Izmorozian maiden.”

“Well, I’ll be,” said Masha.

Galina looked inquiringly at Masha.

“Er… begging your pardon, miss. I work at Roskosh Manor.”

“Is that so?” Since Masha insisted Galina conceal her identity, she had to affect surprise.

“Yes, miss. And right around the time Olin is talking about, there was a young woman who fits that description that showed up out of the blue.”

“Who was she?”

“She claimed to be the daughter of Lady Portinari.”

“Claimed?” Galina knew that Sebastian had Copyright 2016 - 2024