The Rancher Meets His Match (The Millers of Morgan Valley #4) - Kate Pearce Page 0,90

a legal pad just in case she needed to make notes. She had to record every billable second.

“Julia? Esta es tu madre, Lupita.”

For a second she couldn’t find any words in either of the languages she’d grown up speaking. “Mama? Esta todo bien?”

“Si, querida. Todo esta bien.”

“Did you forget my cell phone number?” Julia gave up on attempting that in Spanish.

“No, mi hija. I wanted to call you here—if that’s all right.” Her mother switched back to English.

“It’s totally fine, what can I do for you?”

“I had a letter asking whether I still had any financial interest in the Garcia Ranch.”

“From whom?”

There was a rustling sound as if her mother was opening up the letter. “Your law firm. That’s why I used this number.”

“I didn’t send you a letter.” Julia frowned. “Who signed it?”

“There is no signature.” Lupita paused. “The thing is, what do you want me to do? Should I answer it?”

“No, please don’t,” Julia said firmly. “I’ll find out what’s going on, and who sent it.”

“I don’t believe I have any interest in the ranch. I told your father that if there was anything owed, I’d leave it to you.”

“Dad told me he’d left the whole thing to Miguel.”

Her mother sighed. “It wouldn’t surprise me even though he must know that Miguel is temperamentally unsuitable to be a rancher. But, your father and I never got divorced so I suspect the legal situation might be more complicated than he realizes. If you find out who sent the letter, will you let me know? I don’t like loose ends.”

“I will.” Julia nodded even though her mother couldn’t see her. “How’s everything else with you?”

“Good, actually. The clinic is busy, but not overwhelmed, and that’s just how I like it.”

“Anything you need supply-wise?”

Lupita laughed. “You know me, Daughter. I’ll take anything you’ve got.”

“I’ll check out your website and see what I can do,” Julia promised. Her mother’s clinic survived on gifts and donations from various charities and individuals.

“Okay. I’d better go. Clinic starts in five minutes and there’s already a line. Stay well, querida. I love you very much.”

“And I you. Bye, Mom.”

Lupita ended the call and Julia stayed where she was, imagining her mother opening up the doors of her clinic in the bright sunlight and lush greenery. She knew that having made the call, Lupita would immediately put it out of her mind and focus on the thing she loved best: caring for others. Her passion and need to make a difference in the world had taken her a long way from Garcia Ranch. As an adult, Julia was in awe of her determination; as a child she’d wondered why her mother loved other kids more than her.

But who had sent the letter? Julia rose from her seat and went into the outer office where Miley and some of the other team members worked. Everyone looked up as she appeared and stared at her.

“This is going to sound weird, but did any of you recently write a letter to a medical clinic in Guatemala?”

Miley glanced around and then shook her head like everyone else.

“Is something up, boss?”

“Nothing that needs to worry anyone,” Julia assured them. She beckoned to Miley to follow her back into her office and close the door.

“The only person I know who has a clinic in Guatemala is your mom,” Miley said. “Why would someone be writing to her if they weren’t you?”

“That’s the million-dollar question.” Julia grimaced. “I have my suspicions, but I definitely can’t prove them.”

“I assume it’s got something to do with Blaine?” Miley suggested. “How would he know about your mom?”

Julia shrugged. “He came out to the ranch. Maybe my dad mentioned her or something. But why would he contact her?”

“Maybe he’s looking for dirt on you?”

“Like what?” Julia stared at her paralegal. “That I occasionally use the office mailing department to send her stuff without paying the postage?”

“I wouldn’t put it past him.” Miley tapped her fingers against her mouth. “How about you leave it with me? I’m kind of friends with his admin because she hates his guts? She might be willing to tell me if she wrote that letter for him.”

“Would you?” Julia asked. “I’d really appreciate it.”

“Sure, and I’ll keep it to myself, all right?” Miley nodded and turned to the door. “She’s not in today, because Blaine is out. I’ll try and talk to her tomorrow.”

“Where’s Blaine?”

“Good question.” Miley stopped walking. “I’ll find that out as well.”

Julia sat down at her desk again and struggled to Copyright 2016 - 2024