The Rancher and the Event Planner - By Cheryl Gorman Page 0,44


The crew was busy inflating the hot air balloon and Molly’s eyes grew big. “Wow, what’s that?”

“It’s a hot air balloon. Would you like to take a ride?”

“Only if you and daddy go with me.”

JC rose but didn’t say anything.

Rafe nodded. “Quite a turn out.”

JC skimmed her gaze over the crowd of people flowing into the park. “Yes, isn’t it great?” She looked at him hoping for a word of encouragement or a glimmer of excitement and pride in his eyes. Instead his expression registered only mild interest.

“So far so good. Where’s the pizza you advertised?”

“The chef is a little late but I’m sure he’ll be here. Probably got stuck in traffic or something.”

“Probably. One of the horses foaled this morning and it was difficult.”

Concern squeezed JC’s heart. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did everything turn out okay?”

Rafe nodded. “Yeah. Mother and colt are doing just fine.”

“The baby horse is so cute,” Molly said.

“I’d love to see him sometime,” JC said glanced at Rafe.

“The wine tasting event is ready to start,” a man announced with a bull horn. A crowd of people migrated toward the tables laden with different wines.

“Hey, JC,” Linc said walking up with a glass of wine in his hand. “Great wine. Have you tried any yet?”

“No, they’ve just started. How did you get served so fast?”

With a smug expression he said, “I told them I was a judge and I would look the other way because they didn’t have their license displayed if they would give me a free glass of wine.”

JC laughed. “I wish I had known you could be bribed when I first arrived.”

Linc held a finger up against his lips and made a shushing sound. “Not so loud or everybody will be lining up at my chamber door. Truthfully, since the wine is free they don’t need to display a license.” He crooked one arm. “Be my escort?”

“I’d love to, but I have a few things I need to see to. Rain check?”

Linc’s gaze flew from her and onto a pretty young woman who was chatting with a group of people. Barely looking in JC’s direction he said, “Excuse me,” and headed toward the woman. Something tugged her dress. Looking down, three little red-haired boys with freckles stood before her. They were dressed as cowboys with chaps, hats and boots and each held a frosty drink in their hands. “Where’s the pizza?” one of them asked.

“Yeah,” another one said, “We’re hungry.”

“I like pepperoni,” the third boy said.

She checked the time again. The cook was nearly forty five minutes late, but she pushed her worry aside determined to think positive. “The pizza should be here soon, I promise.”

The boys ran off toward a group of their friends. JC pulled her cell phone from her purse and dialed the shop in Dallas. “Paulo’s Place” a female voice said on the other end of the line.

“Hi, this is JC Barrett in Salvation Texas. Anton was supposed to be here almost an hour ago and people are waiting. Where is he?”

“Hey, lady, I just make pies. I don’t own the place.”

“May I speak to the manager please?”

“Can’t. Anton’s at a big party over in Garland.”

“What! He’s supposed to be here at this event. Why didn’t he call me? Is someone else coming to take over?”

“Only me and Jimmy are working today. We can’t drive all the way to Salvation.”

“What am I supposed to do? Give me his cell number.”

“Anton says never to give out his private number.” Someone shouted in the background. “I gotta go.” A dial tone buzzed in JC’s ear.

She dropped her hand to her side still clutching her phone until the metal bit into her skin. “Damn it.”


At the sound of Rafe’s voice she cringed inwardly. Of all the people to witness this first failure why did it have to be the man she was trying to prove that she belonged here at his side? What was she going to do? The guy in Dallas had been highly recommended by her first choice of caterer who had another event already lined up. She had been counting on this day to be a success. She looked toward the people crowded around the wine tasting station. At least one part of the event was going well.

She plastered a smile on her face determined to remain positive and turned. Rafe’s hat, cocked on one side of his head cast his face in shadow. Jeans and black boots made her heart go pitter-pat. A t-shirt stretched over his chest emphasizing Copyright 2016 - 2024