The Rancher and the Event Planner - By Cheryl Gorman Page 0,28

definite plans for the renovation and get started.” She sounded hopeful and excited and for some crazy reason he wanted her to keep sounding that way. He wanted her to always be hopeful and never feel down again. But that was ridiculous because he wasn’t interested in getting involved with her. He couldn’t. It was the best thing for both of them. The hot wind blew strands of her hair around and he wanted to smooth them away from her face. Sweat beaded on his forehead and beneath his hat. “Did you remember to put on sunscreen?”

She glanced at him, licked her lips then smiled. When her pink tongue swept over her lips he nearly lost it. Suddenly, he felt hot all over and desire curled in his stomach. He was going to be one poor cowboy if he didn’t get a hold of himself.

“I remembered but I might need some help reapplying it in a while because it’s really steamy out here.”

His gaze skimmed her face, neck and arms, the sunlight glistening on her skin, skin he knew was silky to the touch. Would she purr like a cat lying in the sun if he rubbed some lotion on her? “Yeah, better be careful. This heat can sneak up on you and the next thing you know you’ve got sunstroke.”

She brushed on some paint. “Worried about me or afraid of losing the bet? Because if that’s the case I’m worried about you too and that’s just one more thing that makes us right for each other. We’re both caring people.”

“You’re worried about me? What for?”

She glanced at his feet.

He looked down and saw several large drops spattered on his boots. “Damn.”

“Cowboys and paint don’t seem to go together. So, which is it? Worried about me or losing the bet?”

“First, I am worried about you passing out in this heat and second I’m not the least worried about losing the bet.” He was such a liar. “I’ll give you another hour before you find some air conditioning and a cold drink.”

She stopped painting, propped one fisted hand on her hip while she pointed at him with the paint brush. “Want to add to that bet?”

“Sure, how much?”

“I wasn’t talking about money.”

Uh, oh, he had a bad feeling about this. “Then what do you want?”

She tipped her chin in his direction and gave him the sweetest smile, a smile designed for charm and it worked like gang-busters. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

“I like to know up front what I’m betting on.”

“You’re not chicken are you?”

“No way.”

“Then prove it.”

“Okay, you’re on.”

They began painting in earnest. While they worked, Grace and some of her staff set up a small tent next to the curb with tables and chairs underneath. The day grew hotter and the sun beat down like fire. Rafe watched Jennifer to make sure she kept hydrated and wasn’t pushing things to the detriment of her health just to prove a point. But she seemed to be doing fine, not ready to quit at all.

“Come and get it!” Grace called.

“Ready for some lunch?”

She swiped her arm over her forehead. “Yes, I’m starved.”

Me too and it isn’t for food.

In a few minutes, Rafe and Jennifer were settled in chairs beneath the shelter of the tent with plates filled with sandwiches and potato salad. Jennifer slipped off her sunglasses and gazed at him as she took a bite of her sandwich. She hooked them in the front of her overall causing them to dip slightly, giving him a little more view of her chest. Her eyes sparkled with mischief in the light beneath the tent. He had better win because he was worried about this bet he had agreed to. Now, with her getting fortified with food and drink, she might just last out the day. Of course he would never admit that to her. She’d already implied that he was chicken. She was hot and sweaty and had paint smudges on her cheeks, but she’d never looked more beautiful.

He took a bite of his sandwich followed by a long swig of Grace’s peach iced tea.

Jennifer unscrewed the top of her water bottle and took a long gulp. She tilted her head back and he couldn’t help but admire her neck, the skin smooth and creamy. When she finished she poured some of the cool water over her arms and he nearly lost it.

The water sluiced over her skin and made him think of a nice warm shower, his hands smoothing soap Copyright 2016 - 2024