The Rancher and the Event Planner - By Cheryl Gorman Page 0,22

the broiling sun and the wind rippled its surface. Opposite the lake loomed a trio of hills covered with white flowers.

“I always thought those hills covered in Rain Lilies looked like three cotton balls crammed together. Why not call the resort Cotton Hills?”

Not bad. No fancy name. Cotton Hills was simple and direct with a connection to the site and the community. “I like it. Cotton Hills it is.” No wait, he shouldn’t be agreeing with her. That pulled them closer together and made them start to link like a fence rail into a post but the idea was a good one. Damn, he needed to turn things around and fast.

“How deep is the lake?”

“Up to nine feet in some places.”

“The escarpment with the flat ledge of rock jutting from the cliff side, would be perfect for some of the more adventurous guests to dive and take a swim,” she suggested.

Another great idea. Two in a row. Not good.

A wide, grassy meadow spread like a green fan on the west end and Rafe pointed to a stand of boulders off to the left. “The hot springs are in the center of those rocks.”

“Oh, I’d love to see them,” she said.

When they reached the springs, Jennifer sat down on a rock, took off her sandals, and dipped one foot with sexy toes into the steaming water, followed by the other. She sighed, a sigh that made its way inside him like a shot of whiskey. She gazed at the water with a contented expression. “It’s hard to fully appreciate the water in this heat, but I bet in the fall and winter…heaven.”

Heaven is right. He envisioned her sunk up to her gorgeous neck in the water with her arms and legs encircling him, the water lapping at her breasts. His gaze drifted over her exposed calves and thighs, the shorts riding higher, the more she moved her feet around in the water. He was here to make her see they were as different as cowboy boots and high heels, not to imagine her naked.

She removed her feet from the water and slipped on her sandals.

“Come on,” he said, “I’ll outline my ideas for you and you’ll begin to see how different they are from yours and how wrong we are for each other.”

She smiled and cocked a brow. “We’ll see.”

He didn’t like that smile or rather he liked it too damn much. That smile was filled with possibilities and none of them had to do with a new resort.

They made their way over to a stand of trees out of the direct sunlight. The shadows of the leaves played over her, making her eyes brighter, more golden. Her cheeks flushed pink from the heat and tempted him even more. She dug a tube from her pocket and dabbed some stuff on her lips, then rubbed them together, making her lips appear shiny and kissable.

“Earth to Rafe,” she said with a chuckle.

He snapped his brain back to the present. “Sorry, I was just thinking.”

“About what?”

Kissing you. “Nothing.” He pointed toward the wide meadow and the house. “A contractor inspected the house and his report said it has good bones, so if the town could buy it, my plan is to remodel. The town has a cash reserve that we made from a fair we sponsored a few years ago. Between my investment and some of the other business owners this project could happen. ”

An old pool littered with leaves and sticks, the tiles cracked and faded, lay next to a large patio and beyond the pool was a dilapidated gazebo. “We’ll bring the original pool back to life and add a new one with a bar next to the main house with an outdoor covered dance floor. Guest cabins will blend nicely in the stands of trees too. We’ll build a barn and fill it with good riding horses and even run a few cattle. The horses and cattle can be provided by the Rocking M and other local ranches. Guests can trail ride, learn to rope, fish and swim in the lake. We’ll have barbecues, hay rides under the stars, and bring in a local band or two. It’ll be the perfect Texas vacation.”

She shook her head. “How will a dude ranch help the economy? The clientele won’t come from country towns but will pour in from the cities. They’ll want luxury when they go on vacation and to be pampered and enjoy themselves. This setting is perfect and I love Copyright 2016 - 2024