Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,87

her, pressing her against the back wall.

“Last chance to back out.” My body was squashed flat against hers, and I’d dropped my head to align my lips with her ear, speaking in a low growl. She shook her head with a shudder, and didn’t say anything.

“Okay.” I grabbed her wrists and pulled them above her head, so high that it would have been uncomfortable for her to stand on flat feet. Sure enough, she immediately raised onto tiptoes, groaning slightly.

“Yeah, you like that, huh? Well how about this?” I pulled her arms roughly, even higher, knowing it would have hurt her a little, but instead of asking me to stop or take care, she braced her back against the wall, then lifted one leg, and hooked it around my waist, before doing the same with the other. Clever girl.

I grabbed both of her wrists in one hand, then used the other to reach across for the hold button to keep the elevator on my floor. It would buy us five minutes before it moved again.

Using my free hand, I undid my button and zipper, releasing my straining dick from the confines of my pants. “If I fuck you here, George, the doorman is going to see everything on the security camera. Understand?” She nodded again, but didn’t tell me to stop. I took that as an invitation to carry on. “So, you like it freaky, huh? Never let it be said that I don’t give a girl what she wants.”

I pushed inside her again, reveling in how wet and tight she was. So ready for me. This time was faster and more frantic than the first, but no less hot. We raced to orgasm, each of us lost in our own heads. I released her wrists to get leverage on her hips, and pushed and pulled deeper and harder. She immediately moved her hands to my biceps, digging her nails into my flesh as she did the same.

Somewhere along the way, her gaze met mine and locked there, and as much as I wanted to look elsewhere, I couldn’t seem to tear my focus away once she had my attention. Although there was nothing slow, or soft, or delicate about the way our bodies jostled and jerked together as we each chased our release, what passed between us was something I couldn’t define, but what I did know was that it shook me to the core.

“Fuck! Stop. I can’t.” Couldn’t what?

I had no idea. I just knew that I was so far out of my comfort zone, I might as well have been on another fucking planet.

“Yes, you can.” Her voice was low and firm, her gaze unwavering, as her body maintained the rhythm between us. My orgasm hit me like a punch to the gut from a heavyweight champion, leaving me reeling and seeing stars.

“Stay with me.” I wanted to do anything but. I wanted to tell her to get the fuck away from me, and never come back. I wanted to run screaming in the opposite direction. I needed to tell her I never wanted to see her again, and I wanted to mean it.

As the dying embers of my orgasm left my body, I staggered backward out of the elevator, knowing it would start moving again soon, and not wanting to give George a live show, regardless of what he’d seen on the security footage.

I stalked through the apartment, still inside Noa who had her legs wrapped tight around me, headed for the bedroom. Once there, I moved to the bed and lowered us onto it so that she was on her back and I was bearing down on top of her.

“Raine, you can’t fuck away your problems.”

Although I’d come moments earlier, I was still hard, a mixture of coke and adrenaline fueling my desire for more.

“Who said anything about problems? I just like to fuck. And remember what you agreed to when you came up here. Not. Pretty.”

With those words, I began pulling at her clothes, urging her out of her bra and shirt, before quickly dispensing with my own. My pants had fallen to my ankles in the walk from the elevator, so all I needed to do was kick off my loafers, and reach around to pull my pants off over my feet.

Having already dispensed with Noa’s panties, and with her skirt up around her waist still, there was no way I was separating us long enough to strip her down further. As it

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