Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,85

Nosey Ned.”

I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth, biting down hard. His body jackknifed, but he didn’t release his grip on my neck, and I didn’t want him to. Instead, he upped the ante, forcing his free hand between my body and his, replacing the urgent press of his erection against my panties with his probing fingers.

Seconds later, he roughly pulled my panties aside, and shoved his fingers inside me. Now it was time for my body to react, jerking just as his had moments earlier, as the sensation of his fingers inside me went straight to my molten core.

He tore his mouth away from me roughly. “Why the fuck won’t you just leave me alone? What do you want from me? Huh? What?” He punctuated each word with the pull or thrust of his fingers in and out of me, with movements so rough his hand grazed my clit each time, adding to the delicious torment.

My head fell backward, and my jaw slackened, my mouth gaping open as my eyes slammed shut. I was panting like I’d run a marathon, as I struggled to contain the sensations exploding around my body.

“Open your fucking eyes and look at me. I asked you a question, and I want a fucking answer. Look at me, goddammit.” He jerked my neck, pulling my head back up. “What. Do. You. Want.” Again, each word was accompanied by a thrust. “Cat got your tongue all of a sudden? Answer. Me.” My mind was too crowded to see the wood for the trees, but I had to get it together, at least enough to answer him.

“Everything! Okay? I want everything.” My harshly shouted words rang around the cavernous lot, the way his had earlier.

He yanked his hand out of me as unceremoniously as he’d thrust it in. No warning. No care taken. Just done. He pulled me roughly, and when I was back on my feet, he grabbed me at my hip, and flipped me quickly, so that my butt was facing him and I was chest-down on the hood. I put my hands out to steady myself, knowing that whatever was to follow wasn’t going to be gentle, or pretty.

I wasn’t wrong. Raine pushed up my skirt and grabbed my panties, this time dispensing with them in one firm yank. I watched as the slips of thin, delicate fabric fluttered onto the hood next to me. Moments later, I gulped in a sharp breath as he probed at my entrance with his dick, then pushed in hard. Thankfully, I was as wet as I’d ever been, but that didn’t stop the breath from stalling in my chest.

“Remember, you asked for this.” He jerked back, pulling out of me almost to the tip of his dick, then slamming back into me, so hard I was winded. Thoughts tumbled from my head, leaving nothing but white light and raw feeling in their wake.

Raine grabbed my neck from behind this time, squeezing just as hard as before, and at the same time, thrusting the other hand—the one that had been inside me moments earlier—into my mouth. I gagged on it, but that didn’t slow him down. He plowed into me with all his might, and I was there for it, every last rabid thrust.

When Raine altered his position slightly, so that he was bearing down on me from above, driving at my core, I was done for. Totally lost in the ferocity of the assault of our bodies on each other, I tried to fight the rising sensation of imminent climax, but failed miserably, coming with more force than I ever had before.

Chapter 33


* * *

As I felt her pulse around me, and watched her body buck against the hood of the car, I reared back and then surged forward, slamming into her with all my might. My hand tightened involuntarily around her neck, and I barely registered the pain as she bit down on the fingers that had been sliding in and out of her mouth, slick with a mixture of her arousal and her saliva.

I came so hard my knees buckled and my vision blurred, and it took me a few moments to realize that the animalistic growl that reverberated around the hollow space actually came from me.

I clamped my mouth shut, and weak though I was, I resisted the urge to fall forward on Noa’s back to steady myself and catch my breath. Instead, I pulled out of her roughly and quickly tucked my

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