Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,64

jumped from lowly temp PA to a major role in an advertising agency with no real experience to back me up?”

“You have plenty of experience.”

“In design sure, but not as a creative director. You don’t think that people will do the math and work out what’s going on?”

“I don’t think they will, but so what if they do?”

“That’s all well and good for you to say, you’re at the top of the tree. I’m the one who will have to work alongside these people. Jesus, the more I talk about it, the more I think about it, and the more I dwell on it, the more anxious I get about the whole thing. I can’t shake the feeling that Michelle was right and I’m making a huge mistake.”

“Who the fuck is Michelle, and why is she in my business?”

“She’s my roommate, and she’s in your business because in this case, it’s also my business, and because she cares about me and doesn’t want me to get hurt.”

“She doesn’t even know me. Who is she to say that I’ll hurt you?”

“It’s not personal.”

“The hell it isn’t. If it’s about me, of course it’s fucking personal.” Wow. He was pissed.

“I mean her worries aren’t about you, they’re about me. She knows what I’ve been through, and she’s just looking out for her friend, that’s all.”

“And what exactly have you been through to warrant her concern?” I had a feeling that if this conversation continued, our date was going to come to an abrupt end.

“I’m having a great time so far tonight, and I’d really like to keep it that way, so can we change the subject, please? Maybe as well as no fooling around in the office, we need a rule about not talking shop outside it.” It could clearly be a vibe killer.

“Agreed. I’ve been thinking all day about the ways I want to fuck you tonight.” What?

“Umm... that wasn’t a very subtle segue.”

“You told me to change the subject. I did. Be careful what you wish for with me. You must know by now that subtlety really isn’t my style.”

“I hadn’t noticed.” I was sure the sarcasm wasn’t lost on him. “Besides, who said we’re going to be fucking any way, let alone multiple ways? Or are you one of these guys who thinks because they pay for everything on a date, they’re owed something in return?” I was trying not to get too pissed off at his presumption. He was right—he was anything other than subtle, but that fact wasn’t news to me, so it made no sense to be outraged when he behaved exactly the way I had come to expect from him.

“First of all, who said anything about a date? I don’t date.” What? Was he insane? What the hell were we doing if not going on a date? Tom had even referred to it that way, and Raine hadn’t objected. “Secondly, so you’re saying we’re not going to fuck tonight?”

“That’s not the point.”

“The hell it isn’t. It’s entirely the point. Are we, or are we not going to fuck? Again.”

“I mean, I—” I had no idea what the end of that sentence was supposed to be, which was just as well, because, before I could finish it, Raine had moved forward on his seat and brought his mouth heavily down onto mine. He kissed me hard, savagely tearing at my lips with his. When he slipped his hands into my hair, then began pulling me toward him, urging me into his lap, I pulled back.

“Thought so.” He looked way too smug for my liking, and I hated that I’d played right into his hands. The cliché was embarrassing.

“We can’t do this here. It really doesn’t seem like the type of place where this kind of PDA would be okay.” My breath came in ragged puffs, and the rapid rise and fall of Raine’s chest told me he was just as winded as I was.

“On the contrary, this is the type of place where I can do whatever, or whoever, the fuck I like, but if you’re worried, why do you think I sit here specifically? It’s secluded, and away from prying eyes.” I looked around. He was right, of course. We were shielded from most of the other patrons.

“Well played. Do you bring all your conquests here?” Jesus. I regretted the words as soon as they were out of my mouth. I sounded like a jealous fucking wife. “Don’t answer that. It’s none of my business.”


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