Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,35

bare-chested as he’d walked out of the shower in his private bathroom when I’d returned with our coffees that morning.

He’d been wearing nothing above the waist as he padded barefoot across the room, rubbing at his long curls with a towel, and it had been all I could do to focus on his face as I handed him his drink, rather than ogle his fine form, which had been what I’d really wanted to do.

My cheeks heated again at the memory, and I snapped my focus back to the present before I broke into a full blush. “Well, you need to eat. It’s not healthy to live on fresh air and cigarettes. I mean how much sleep do you get on average per night?”

“What kind of a question is that? Who are you now, my fucking mother?”

I clapped my hand across my mouth. He was right, why the hell was I prying into his personal life? He was my boss, not a friend. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep.”

“Jesus, I was yanking your chain. Don’t be so serious all the time, I very rarely am. The sooner you learn that about me, the easier your life will be. For real.”

“Oh yeah. Okay. So, do you want to choose the cuisine? I’m easy.”

“Good to know, but what do you like to eat?” he deadpanned.

It took way too long for me to get the joke, then I only did because of the pregnant pause in the conversation, and the lascivious smirk on Raine’s face. Once the penny dropped, my cheeks burned as though someone had thrown acid in my face. So much for avoiding blushing.

“That’s too cute. I can’t tell you the last time I had the pleasure of the company of a woman who was coy enough to blush. It must have been high school or some shit.”

Great. So as far as he was concerned, I was some stupidly naïve kid. Not that I should have cared what he thought about me, above and beyond my work, but for some reason, I did, and not just a little. Maybe Michelle had been correct about that vortex, after all.

Chapter 14


* * *

I hadn’t been lying when I’d told the guys that she wasn’t my type. She couldn’t have been further from the ‘wet and willing’ women I normally went for. Correction, who normally went for me, and whose offers I took up without a moment’s hesitation. But for some reason, as of her walking in on me that morning, that was exactly what made her so attractive to me—or to my dick at least.

Her quiet and reserved nature was intriguing, as was the conservative way she dressed. My imagination was working overtime with visions of exactly what was underneath the virginal-looking outfits.

“Don’t look so horrified. I kind of like it.”

“Like what?” Her brows knotted together, and I had the strongest urge to kiss them straight again. I resisted, but didn’t know how long I’d be able to do the same.

“Well, you... period. But specifically, the blushing and general cuteness. It’s refreshing.”

“Seriously? I know I just blushed, and I’m owning that, but I think you have me all wrong, because I’m not some vestal virgin.”

“Who said anything about your virginity? But it’s good to know. I’ll be sure to take that into account.” The confusion on her face was glorious.

“Take it into account? I don’t understand.”

“When I bend you over this couch and screw you six ways from Sunday.”

“That’s not going to—” The end of her sentence disappeared into my mouth, as I pushed my lips to hers. It was a gentle exploratory kiss, despite the obvious and building sexual tension between us. She seemed like the type to startle easily, and I wanted the next move to be hers, so that I could be sure we were both chasing what, if anything, was about to transpire.

Her hesitation was slight, though palpable, but within a few moments, she was pressing her lips to mine, with more force and intention than I had kissed her with. A few more seconds and she was smashing her mouth against mine, with full force, and I was reciprocating, greedy to taste more.

We tussled that way as time slipped by in immeasurable chunks. As we explored each other’s mouth greedily, it could have been a minute, or an hour. I wasn’t sure.

“Shit. I mean, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have.” Damn she was quick. She’d pulled away and jumped off of my couch where we’d been sitting, before

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