Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,30

Some of his shit goes beyond genius, and as much as it’s going to be tough to work with him, this is a great opportunity.”

“So, you’ve already made up your mind that you’re doing it?”

“Not exactly, but that’s the way I’m leaning, I think. It seems too much of a big deal to pass up. And if I say no to this, I lose the whole thing. I don’t want to piss off the agency by repeatedly saying yes to the gig, then walking away after one day. BR&ND is an important client of theirs.”

“He said you’re off the reception role if you don’t agree to be his slave? I mean, partner?”

“No, he didn’t, but from the way I’ve seen him operate so far, he’s an all or nothing kind of a guy. He’s not going to take very kindly to me not doing what he wants me to do, so either he’ll give me my marching orders, or he’ll make my life a living hell so that I leave. Did I tell you that apart from his long-term PA who was there for four years, they couldn’t keep anyone for more than a day? Some didn’t even last a few hours before they’d walked out. I don’t know what he did or said to them, but it must have been bad to cause more than one to walk away from an assignment.”

“Which is all the reason why deciding to work with him on this project is crazy. If being his PA is difficult enough, imagine having to work closely with him.”

“I know. I’m not pretending it’s going to be a breeze, but between the money and what it might lead to, it’s hard for me to walk away. Where or how else can I earn that kind of money? It’s insane. I mean, I feel like I’d be insane to turn it down.”

“Hmm....” The look on her face told me that there was a lot more to that sound than just agreement.

“What’s on your mind?” She remained silent, looking into the middle distance before pulling her gaze to mine.

“I’m wondering what I’m missing here, that’s all. It just seems like the last thing you’d ever normally do, especially under the circumstances, yet here you are considering jumping in with both feet. It’s only been one day—admittedly a long and trying day, but a day nonetheless—and I feel like he’s already sucked you into the vortex.”

Chapter 12


* * *


“You haven’t even heard me out.”

“I don’t need to hear you out to know that this is a damned fool idea that has lawsuit written all over it, and that it’s happening only over my dead body. In fact, over my dead body, and all of my family’s bodies.”

“That can be arranged. Apart from Corrie. I wouldn’t want her dead. She’s far too fuckable for that. And with you and the rest of the family out of the way, I’d be free to live out my freakiest fantasies with her.” It was childish, but I was pissed, so it was what it was.

“I will knock you the fuck out, Raine. Don’t push me.”

“Promises, promises. You realize you’re like the boy who cried wolf, right? Always threatening to take someone out, but never actually doing it. Not here, anyway.”

Another dig I knew was going to get his blood pressure soaring. I gave zero fucks.

“Raine, seriously. How about we have one day where you don’t intentionally make an asshole of yourself? Just one. You know we love you like family, bro. More so. But Jesus, sometimes you make it difficult for us to always like you. Can we please talk about this like rational adults for once? Like, can you just pretend to be reasonable for ten minutes, so that we can fix this shit?” Nate was doing his diplomatic best to handle me without losing it.


“What’s that supposed to mean? Are you willing to try to come to an amicable agreement that suits us all, and doesn’t involve drawing blood, or not?”

“I’m willing to do what it takes to deliver creative work that’s going to dig us out of the hole that I made. I made. Not only is this my mess, as you all were so keen to point out, but it’s a creative problem, which means that, regardless of who caused it, as the Creative Director of this agency, this is my area of jurisdiction. So, like I said, I’m committed to doing what needs to be done creatively for me

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