Rainbow (Ruthless Kings MC Baton Rouge #1) - K.L. Savage Page 0,9

her stomach, and the wind gets knocked out of her. Then, with the same gun she used to shoot Butcher, Grudge points it at her and cocks it.

So, with Grudge… well, the name says it all. He holds grudges, and once you’re on his shitlist, that’s it. Unfortunately, you’re on it forever, and it seems Renee has made it to that list.

“One,” he counts.

“Oh no,” Fox says. “I’m not burying another body because he gets trigger-happy. Nose goes.” Fox places the tip of his finger on his nose, and the rest of us hurry to do the same. “Ha! Sucker!” He points at Hound.


“I’m going, Grudge.”

He shoots, and the bullet lands next to her feet. “You aren’t moving fast enough.”

She scoffs and runs to her piece-of-shit car that squeals every time she turns it on. Grudge tucks the gun in his waistband and kicks the door shut with his boot. Everyone stares at him as he cracks his neck. “What? She’s annoying. I don’t know why we don’t ban her.”

“Because she’s a good fuck,” Butcher offers, holding a cloth to his leg to ease the bleeding.

“Good enough to get shot?” I ask him, quirking my brow.

Mime snickers.

“Hell no. No whore is worth getting shot for. I don’t care how good the pussy is.” Butcher removes the rag and the hole in his leg continues to leak. “Man, the other two still haven’t healed either.”

“Out of everyone, you keep Flatline the busiest. Too bad he isn’t here, or he could doctor you up,” Prez says before he takes a gulp of his spiked coffee. “Stupid doctor’s retreat. Now because of Butcher’s dumb ass, we have hospital bills.”

“Hey, I take offense to that.”

“You should. You’re an idiot,” Prez quips. “How much longer until Flatline is back? He’s been gone two weeks.”

“They’re traveling all over the world, apparently. He’ll be back, I think, in another week or two,” Cosmo says as he shrugs on his shirt and comes out of his room. He has a hickey on his neck.

When was the last time I felt that much pleasure that I couldn’t contain the urge to mark my lover? I can’t even remember.

“You have a little something.” Fox points to Cosmo’s neck, and the man smirks.

Cosmo tosses his hair up in a messy bun and lifts his arms to stretch. “Oh, I know.”

The sirens sing through the distant air, coming closer, and Mime tenses up like he does every time he hears them. I never understood why. I don’t remember sirens being a part of the rescue when we were teens. Still, trauma is different for everyone, and my brother has not been able to heal.

I don’t know if he ever will.

The sirens finally shut off and a few seconds later, a new paramedic walks in, alone, carrying a first-aid kit. He isn’t Rogers or York. He’s new.

“You aren’t who I pay to be here when we need a medic.” Prez crosses his arms. I can’t help but lean forward and place my elbows on my knees while this new guy looks around. He doesn’t seem afraid.

He cocks his head and presses his lips together as he rolls his eyes. “Obviously. I’m new, but you aren’t the first clubhouse I have been to, and I doubt you’ll be the last,” he says, his tone sassy and fierce.

Prez blocks the medic’s path, stopping him from treating Butcher. “Who are you?”

“Ryan Hathaway. I’m from Vegas. Don’t you worry, big guy.” Ryan sarcastically pats Prez’s shoulder. “I won’t be here forever. This is where my boss sent me before I head to New Orleans to help with the hurricane. Now, the patient? Or are we going to let him bleed to death?”

I find myself eyeing him up and down, appreciating his strength in such a feminine body. Not that women aren’t strong—they are, but they have a delicateness about them I always loved. Slender and soft. And for some reason, Ryan is grabbing my attention.

More than my attention.

My entire body is taking notice.

Ryan feels my gaze and his piercing green eyes lock onto mine, making me hold my breath. Jesus Christ, he’s gorgeous. Brown hair that’s cut short and styled to the left with the perfect part. Not a hair is out of place. His lips are full and pink and an image of him on his knees…

What the fuck?

I yank my eyes away only for them to fall on his plump ass.

My cock begins to plump at the thought of grabbing those thick globes, parting them,

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