Rainbow (Ruthless Kings MC Baton Rouge #1) - K.L. Savage Page 0,35

me in before stealing a quick kiss.

How have we fallen into what feels like a routine? His kiss already feels like a habit.

“Well—” I cross my arms while he tugs on a shirt, “—Don’t come running to me when you fall off the roof and break a leg.”

“Sassafras, you know I won’t be able to run with a broken leg.” He gives me a cheeky grin and the bed dips from his heavy weight. Rainbow laces up his boots then he cups the back of my neck with his huge hand. His entire palm wraps around me, and his thumb rests against my pulse. “I’ll be okay, I promise.”

I tap my fingers against my stomach nervously. I haven’t cared about someone since Trenton, and while that might not be a big deal to some, it is to me. Rainbow is quickly becoming important. I worked so hard to build walls with bulletproof glass around my heart and soul, making rules that I could have broken a hundred times before Rainbow but didn’t.

Rainbow is cracking my barriers, and it isn’t because of his bright disposition but the truths shining out of the darkness.

I stand and wrap the sheet around my body and find myself walking him to do the door. When he opens it, a few guys look over the living room couch and whistle.

I blush, and Rainbow closes the door enough so I can’t be seen. “Okay, okay. Back off, he’s mine. Go get your own hot paramedic.”

I can’t believe he’s announcing us like this. I still don’t know if this is some sort of dream or not. If it is, I never want to wake up.

“I’ll be back.”

“Don’t go alone,” I tell him, keeping my voice low. Then I stand on my tiptoes and press a hand against his chest.

“You care about me. Admit it.”

“Shut up,” I pinch his nipple, and he yelps making me laugh. “Be serious for a minute. There’s a hurricane outside.”

“It isn’t a hurricane yet. It isn’t here yet. It’s just some wind. I’ll strap on a harness, okay? You don’t have to worry about a thing.”

I tilt my head and throw my hands on my hips. “You mean just like when you passed out from carrying Taylor out of that fire that you stayed in too long? Yeah, scared five lives out of me.”

“As opposed to my measly one,” he teases, and now I’m starting to get aggravated. He isn’t listening to me.

“I want to see where this can go, Rainbow. I think we can have something good, so don’t do anything stupid like getting yourself killed.”

“Sassafras—” he brushes his lips over mine, “—we already have something good.” He doesn’t give me a kiss. He leaves me wanting. “Who’s coming with me to check out what’s going on with the roof?” he announces, which makes me exhale in relief that he chose to listen to me.

I shut the door and crawl back on the bed, debating if I want to get dressed and hang out in the living room with the guys or snoop. A normal person would decide to look around and see if there’s anything… incriminating. I don’t know if I dare to sit out in the living room with his friends, but then I don’t want them to think I’m avoiding them.

I’m in a pickle.

First things first, I need to get this dried come off my stomach because it’s starting to itch. Then, I glance around the unknown room as I stand from the bed and try to spot anything that tells me more about Rainbow other than how good of a man he seems to be.

Why can’t I just accept something good? Why do I need to question everyone’s motives?

He has no posters on the wall, but he does have a few pictures on his dresser. I have to stand on my tiptoes to look over the top. The first picture is of him and his brother when they were teenagers. Mime is holding a football and Rainbow has his arms wrapped around his little brother’s shoulders. They’re standing in front of an old truck, but I don’t know what kind it is.

I move to the second picture and see a man and a woman with them. They must be their parents. His parents are very good-looking people. Rainbow looks like his mom, while Mime looks like his dad. The third picture skips a few years because it’s him and Mime again leaning against their bikes wearing their cuts.

I wonder

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