Rainbow (Ruthless Kings MC Baton Rouge #1) - K.L. Savage Page 0,17

all I can hear is the crackling and roar of the fire. “How’s it going up on the roof, guys?” I ask Saint and Taylor.

“Good. It’s the east side that seems the weakest, so be safe if you’re over there. We’re making more vents now,” Saint replies.

I continue to keep calling out for help, but no one answers. I run down the cake aisle, then the cereal, and then it’s the next aisle that has the flames. The fire is loud, whooshing and lashing at everything it can get its hot whips on.

“Baldwin? We have three minutes before we meet.”

“Roger that. I’m clear on the west side.”

I breathe a sigh of relief when he answers. These guys might not be my MC, but they’re still my family.

“Get out of that building now. Do you copy? I said get your asses out of there now! The owner just informed me there wasn’t just one propane tank in there—”

Cap doesn’t get to finish. A loud explosion rocks the foundation from the next aisle over, and the shelving unit blows to pieces, knocking right into me. I fly backward and hit the metal case behind me, and the air is driven from my lungs with a heavy thud.

I hear another explosion somewhere to my right. The flames trickle higher, angrier, and with purpose.

To destroy everything.

There’s yelling on the other end of the radio, but I can’t understand it all. It’s a jumbled mess of panic. I groan and try to crawl out of the rubble, but there’s too much on me.

“Kennedy? Where are you? Nathan? Can you copy?” I hear Baldwin’s voice and nod, forgetting he can’t see me.

“I’m here.” I cough.

“Propane? Why the fuck were there full propane tanks? You pay for that as you leave,” he shouts.

I try and push the large metal shelving unit off me, but it’s too heavy. “I’m in the aisle next to cake mixes.”

“Station 11, do you copy? Station 11?” Cap asks frantically.

“Baldwin and Kennedy are here, Cap. Saint, Taylor?” Baldwin questions as he comes running through the flames that have taken over the other aisle. When he sees me, he skids to a stop. “Saint, Taylor? That isn’t fucking funny.” Baldwin groans as he slides the debris off me then grabs my hand. “You okay to walk?”

“I think so. Just out of breath.”

“Taylor. Saint?”

“We’re here, Cap—” Saint’s answer is deafened by another propane tank exploding, feeding the fire with its dangerous gas. The west side of the roof collapses, and the fire grows more extensive when it gets the oxygen it needs.

I can see the sky, ruined by clouds of smoke—the flames arc upwards, like red-hot needles trying to pierce the heavens.

“Taylor! Saint!” I scream into the mic and begin running in that direction.

Baldwin stops me by gripping my jacket. “We might not come out if we go back there.”

“Kennedy, Baldwin, this is a direct order. You get your asses out here now!”

I flip off my radio. “I am not leaving them behind. No one is left behind. Ever.” Without another word, I sprint to the west side. I don’t think of Baldwin. Instead, I think of my two friends; the memories of running through the woods to get my brother and me to safety are so fresh and clear in my mind.

I won’t leave Taylor and Saint behind like I left my parents.

When we get to the rubble, I can barely see the rocks from the fire. I flip my radio back on. “Taylor, Saint? Talk to me.” I wait, too afraid to breathe just in case I miss one of them trying to speak. My eyes sting from sweat, and the heat from the blaze is almost too hot to handle. I begin trying to clear the stone in hopes I find my friends.

“It’s too late, Kennedy,” Baldwin says, grabbing my shoulder.

I spin around and grip the front of his jacket and shove him back. “If you want to leave, nothing is stopping you. Fucking go, then.”

A big chunk of roof collapses to the floor, making me take a quick step back to dodge. And then I see it: an arm through the pile. I scream in agony as the flames lick my suit, and my gloves get hotter. I finally remove the rock where I see Saint and Taylor.

“Fuck am I glad to see you,” Saint gasps.

I reach down and pull Saint up first. “Can you walk?”

He nods.

“Get him out of here, Baldwin.” I flinch when another section of the roof collapses,

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