Rainbow (Ruthless Kings MC Baton Rouge #1) - K.L. Savage Page 0,15

but I’m more focused on how the hell I get him to like me. I’m stumped. This is my first time navigating these waters, and he seems out and proud, you know?”

Mime contemplates and finally nods, then points to the clubhouse and lifts a brow in question.

“Ah, am I going to tell them?” I take another swig of my water. “Yeah, I think when I know more, you know? What if I see him again and I don’t have the same reaction? What if it was a fluke? I know Jokester wouldn’t care, but you know Sherlock and Puzzle. They’re old school. I wonder if they would cause issues.”

Mime runs his hands down the sides of his head to show long hair, then flips it over his shoulder.

I know who he’s asking about. “I think they turn a blind eye to Cosmo, but if more of us came out as gay, I don’t know how they would handle it.” I finally toss the bloody rag down on the barn floor. “I think it’s done bleeding. Okay, are we going to sit here and talk about our feelings, or are we going to fix this damn truck before my shift?”

Mime snorts and gets more comfortable, leaning back in the chair and crossing one foot over his knee.

“Lazy bitch,” I grumble and push myself up to my feet. I lie on the creeper seat again and disappear under the truck.

Classic rock begins to flow through the barn, and I can see Mime bouncing his foot. I do feel better knowing that I have my brother’s support. It’s fucking stupid that I need to worry about other people and their reactions, but that’s the way of the world, right?

People can’t seem happy with who they want unless they get permission, and I think that’s fucked up.

Well, I’m not going to ask for permission. A Ruthless King doesn’t ask. We take. And we always get what we want.

And I want Ryan.

I stop tinkering under the truck when the words cross my mind. Holy fuck. It feels good to say those exact words to myself.

And now that I have, there’s nothing that can stop me.

Mime kicks my boots, then yanks me out from the truck and taps his wrist. I check the time and curse. “Fuck. I’m going to be late. Thanks, Mime. I’d be late every time if it weren’t for you.” I run out of the barn to my bike, throw on my helmet, and start the engine.

I raise my hand to say goodbye to my brother and head down the paved driveway lined with willow trees. The arms of the long branches feather against the ground, and while it is eerie, it’s beautiful at the same time.

I take the road that follows the Mississippi River and rest my hand against my thigh while I ride. Finally, I pass the entrance to the bridge that brings us to downtown Baton Rouge and turn off the road into Fire Station 11. I park my bike and swing my leg over, plopping my helmet on the seat.

“Right on time,” I say to myself as I stroll into the fire station.

“You’re pushing it, Kennedy!” Captain yells from his office.

He can’t even see me from here.

“How does he do that?”

“Man, you and me both. He has eyes everywhere.” Saint greets me while stirring the pot on the stove.

“I swear he has some voodoo shit going on. I hear his cousin’s sister’s ex-husband’s niece is into that shit,” Baldwin whispers, kneeling on the couch with his arms laced over the back so he can talk to us.

I slap him on the back of the head. “Where the fuck did you hear that bullshit?”

“His cousin’s sister’s ex-husband’s niece,” he explains again.

“Hey, did you hear? We have a temporary medic,” Taylor announces from beside Saint as they cook dinner.

They’re the chefs. No one else knows how to cook worth a shit.

“Oh yeah?” I play dumb as my heart kicks up a notch. There’s no way Ryan is stationed here, out of all the firehouses in Baton Rouge. The chances of that…

“Yeah, I think his name is Ryan? He’s stuck to himself with Sunday. They’re doing inventory on the rig now. He seems like a decent guy.”

“If you like a chihuahua that bites,” Taylor mumbles under his breath, and everyone stares at him. He must feel their gazes because he lifts his head and continues to cut the vegetables. “What? Like none of you were thinking it.”

“Well yeah, dumbass. You aren’t

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