Raiden (The Kent Brothers #2) - A.M. Hargrove Page 0,95

with you?”

“You mean at Kent?”

“Yes, dummy.” She elbowed me in the side.

“Wow. I’m intrigued. Tell me what you have in mind.”

“You know how we worked together on software when we first met, I could do that, but in different capacities. I could work for Drex as needed too, so I wouldn’t leave them hanging.”

“I like the sound of that. You and Acer could do a lot together and you could also teach him how to run programs on the dark web. I can see exactly where you’d fit in.”


“Yes, and not only that, I would enjoy working with you every day.”

“Raiden, think about it because sometimes it doesn’t work out so well for couples to spend so much time together.”

“If it doesn’t we can reevaluate, but I don’t see that happening.”

Then she shouted, “I can’t believe we’re going on vacation and I don’t even know where!”

That got me laughing. It had been quite a while since we’d both been so carefree.

“Hey, let’s watch a movie,” she suggested.

“Great idea.”

We settled on a comedy since we were in such a cheerful mood. We didn’t want to watch anything heavy. Breakfast was served in the middle of it and after, she fell asleep. I opened my computer and worked on a project I’d neglected. I had catching up to do, but promised I wouldn’t chain myself to work on this vacation.

The flight was interminable because all I wanted to do was see her expression when we landed at our destination. I fell asleep and awoke to the aroma of dinner. She was tickling my nose with the tip of her finger.

“I thought you were a gnat.”

“I am. A very large, hungry one.”

“You won’t have to wait long from the smell of things.”

“I smell cheese.”

“Mmm, that and something else.”

The flight attendant appeared with two white linen cloths to set the table before us. Then he brought our dinners. We had broiled lobsters with clarified butter, filets of beef, mashed potatoes with gruyere, and a light salad. He followed up with a nice bottle of merlot.

“Wow. This looks perfect.”

She cut off a piece of the lobster, dipped it in the butter, and slid it into her mouth.

“Mmm, delicious.”

I followed suit, and it was mouthwatering.

She tapped my arm. “Did you select the menu?”

“I did.”

“Thank you. It’s perfect.”

We both finished dinner and an enormous piece of cheesecake arrived for each of us.

“Oh, my.” Scottie patted her stomach. “I’m not sure I have room for a bite.”

“Try a tiny one.”

She tasted it and saved it for later. “It’s delicious, but I have no room.”

The rest of the flight was nice as we talked out our future business plans and the possibility of building a new home.

“I love the house you just bought.”

“Our house. I do too, but I want to begin fresh, in a new home, with no memories of the past.”

She rested her head on my shoulder. “It is new and we’ve already made some pretty awesome ones there.”

“We’ve started some great ones, yeah?”

“Oh, yeah. And we can make some new ones too.”

“You honestly want to stay there? I bought it so quickly, it was only supposed to be a resting place.”

“It’s perfect. I love the layout, it’s in the best location, and it has everything a home needs.”

“Then it’s settled. We’ll stay.” I planted a kiss on the top of her head. The flight attendant cleared the table and asked if we wanted anything else.

“Nothing for me, thanks,” Scottie said.

“We’re good. All we need is the table moved.”

He pushed it down so we could recline our seats into beds.

“Sir, would you like me to make up your beds?”

“We’re fine.”

We were drowsy after that monstrous meal and both fell fast asleep.

The flight attendant woke me in order for us to buckle up.

“Sir, we’re landing to refuel. I’m sorry to wake you, but the captain asked me to.”

“It’s fine.” I woke Scottie, and we put our seats up.

“Are we landing?” she asked with a yawn.

“Yes, but only to refuel.”

“Good lord, where are you taking me?”

“You’ll see.”

The stop was brief, and we were back in the air in no time.

“Do you know how much longer?”

Checking the time, I said, “Approximately five hours.”

“Perfect. Enough time for a long nap.”

“Have I told you how stunning you are?”

She smoothed her hair.

“Don’t. I love it when you just wake up.”

“You’ve said that before.” Then she rumpled my hair.

“I love it too. You remind me of a little boy.”

“Little boy?”

“Yeah, all cute and sexy.”

“Didn’t know little boys were sexy.”

“They aren’t. But they’re cute. Big Copyright 2016 - 2024