Raiden (The Kent Brothers #2) - A.M. Hargrove Page 0,82

emails. That’s how I learned my acting skills. If I didn’t, he’d know. I was an obedient daughter. Not anymore. Not since he bargained with my daughter’s life.”

Huff was typing away when his voice interrupted us. “There are three locations in Colorado that keep appearing here. All of them are close to Denver. We should check them out.”

Drex looked over his shoulder and agreed. “I’ll call in another three teams. Sinead, do you know how many men he usually sends on an assignment.”

“At least five.”


Drex jumped on the phone and made the call. “We should have an answer in a few hours.”

Scottie asked, “Sinead, what are you going to do about your father?”

She shrugged. “I’ve siphoned off some money, enough to set me up for a few years. I’ll take Aisling, if you let us go, and try to find a safe place somewhere.”

“I may have a better idea,” Scottie said. “Have you considered WITSEC?”

“No way. He’d find me.”

“Not if he was in prison and they shut his entire organization down.”

“If he goes down, his underboss will step in to take his place. And add the captains and foot soldiers. This isn’t a one-man operation.”

“But with your intel, we could get them all.”

“I don’t know. I’d have a huge target on my head.”

Scottie whispered something to Drex, and he nodded. She went upstairs and returned with the key to the cage. “Let’s go upstairs and talk.”

Sinead said, “You’re letting me out?”

“Yeah, you’ve given us valuable information that could get you burned, so why not?” Scottie asked.

She followed us up the steps, and we went to the kitchen. I asked if she cared for anything to drink.


I brewed her a cup, and we pulled up seats around the island and chatted.

Scottie began discussing WITSEC. “They’ll give you and Aisling new identities, passports, social security numbers, even alter your looks if necessary. They check in to evaluate your safety, if you need anything, and you have a hotline to the US Marshalls for emergencies of any kind.”

She was not onboard. “They won’t get everyone, and I’ll be a dead woman within a year.”

“How do you know that won’t happen, anyway?” I asked. It was a legit question because if she left and didn’t tell her father, he’d be furious.

“I’ll take my chances.”

I tapped her hand. “Think, Sinead. Turn in the evidence and make sure he gets punished. Let us help you. Think of Aisling. If he kills you, do you want him raising her? Wouldn’t she be better off with you and him in prison?”

She placed her hands on her temples. “Yes, probably. I don’t want her around him, since he placed no value on her life. I have to think about it.”

Gemini went to retrieve Aisling. When they came into the kitchen, she shouted, “Mommy!” Then she ran straight into Sinead’s arms.

“My darling, are you okay?”

“Yes, Mommy, I’m fine. I had cookies. Did you get the one I sent?”

“I did.” Sinead hugged her again and looked at us over her head. Then she inspected her face. A chuckle came out of her.

“You didn’t hurt her, did you?”

“See for yourself.”

Sinead laughed again. “But the blood?”

Scottie held up her arm, displaying her bandage. “That doesn’t mean she didn’t retaliate. The blood was mine. She bit me.”

“Aisling,” Sinead scolded.

“They scared me, Mommy. I thought they would hurt me.”

“It’s fine. She fought as she should have,” Scottie said.

Sinead surprised us when she said, “You’re right. I don’t want her to be afraid anymore. I’ll do it. But I need to call my geek first. I’ll need more information on the corporation. I only have documents and emails on him. I need details on the underboss, the captains, and anything else he can grab on all their operations. He has his hands in so many businesses, you can’t even imagine. And most of them are legitimate.”

Huff’s brow creased. “If you give me the proper login codes, I may get all the information your geek provided, and then some.”

“You have a deal. If I’m satisfied on what you can gather, I’ll agree.”

Chapter Forty-Two


Raiden pulled off what none of us had. His mind came up with an ingenious plan. Fake poisoning. What mother wouldn’t want to save her child, but it turned out even better than we could’ve hoped for. Sinead was cooperating with us on relaying all of O’Brien’s information. He pissed her off and there was no going back for her. I saw the fire in her eyes and recognized it. I’d been there myself. I’d Copyright 2016 - 2024