Raiden (The Kent Brothers #2) - A.M. Hargrove Page 0,61

a paddle.”

“Okay, I didn’t mean that in a literal sense, you idiot. Where are your fucking brains lately? All I meant was, treat her like you would a male co-worker. How’s that?”

“So, no rude comments, then?” I smirked.

“You are such a dick.”

“I know.”

“I can’t believe I even had to have this conversation with you. Did you learn nothing about women?”

“Honestly, I never cared. I only wanted one thing from them and as soon as I had my fill, I was on to the next one.”

“Sounds like the real thing has bitten you in the ass.”

I shrugged. “I know this. I’ve never worried or missed a woman before Scottie. She’s changed the way I think about things.”

“You’d better get a hold of how you think about women in general or you’ll lose her, Raiden. The woman I know won’t put up with any bullshit from you. Gemini and I had our headbutts at first. I was and still am a controlling son of a bitch, but we’ve learned to compromise on things. You must figure out a way to do that with her. Strong women or most women today won’t even give you a second chance with an attitude like yours. And you know something? They shouldn’t. Women and men should be treated the same. Let me ask you something. Do you pay your women employees the same as your men in the same roles?”

“Yes! Why wouldn’t I?”

“Just checking.”

“I’m not that kind of an asshole. Ask my admin. When I get out of order, she tells it like it is and pulls in the reins.”

“Okay, fine. I only hope Scottie does the same.”

I laughed because of the last argument we had. “Believe me, she does.”

Drex grinned. “I bet the two of them have had some great conversations about you while they’ve been away.”

“Why do women have to talk so much?”

“They’re much better at problem solving than men, that’s why.”

I grunted out my response of, “Thanks a lot. Just the answer I was seeking.”

He howled out a laugh.

“I’d better be going. They’ll wonder where I am. We have to hunt down another place to stay.”

“Right. I emailed a couple places I found to Acer. Check them out.”

I held out my hand. “Thanks for the chat.”

“Any time.”

“I have a feeling I’ll be having more of these with you.”

I heard his laugh as I left. As I started the engine, I remembered I’d forgotten to ask about the mission. Damn. I’d have to do that later. Acer would send out a posse on me if I didn’t get back soon.

Between the time I’d left Drex’s and the time I checked into the hotel, all hell had broken loose.

“Where the fuck have you been?” Acer shouted as I entered the hotel lobby.

“I told you where I was going. You could’ve called.”

“I did. You didn’t answer.”

Then I remembered I’d left my cell in the car. “Right. I left my phone in the car. Why didn’t you call Drex?”

“I did. He didn’t answer either. I was just coming to find you.”

“So, what’s the problem?”

“Gemini called. She couldn’t get in touch with Drex. They’re in trouble.”

My gut hit the floor with his words.

Chapter Thirty


We checked out of the hotel and made it to the airport without incident. Upon arrival, we had to remove our disguises so we could purchase legit plane tickets. We stuffed them into our carry-ons and went to the ticket counter. The first available was a flight to Milan with a stop to change planes in Dubai. That was fine with us, so we grabbed it. It was departing in two hours, so after getting through security, we went to the first-class lounge to hunker down until our flight was boarding. Hopefully, no one had followed us here. If so, we could lose them in the airport.

“I wish we had our wigs on,” I said.

“They offered an element of security. Now I feel naked.”

“Too bad we couldn’t conjure up another set of passports.”

As I scanned the lounge, my eyes landed on two men. They stuck out worse than we did. Dressed in complete black, they kept staring at us.

“Gem, do you see them?”

“Yep. Change of plans. Let’s get out of here, but nonchalantly.”

She texted me something and I read it.

“Walk to the nearest restroom. Change into your disguise and leave the airport. Take a taxi to this hotel. We’ll go separately to confuse them.”

As soon as I read the text, I got up and followed her instructions. I didn’t breathe in a normal manner until Copyright 2016 - 2024