Raiden (The Kent Brothers #2) - A.M. Hargrove Page 0,60

terrible when things are out of my control. I apologize.” I gave him a man hug. “I’ll try to improve.”

“Good, because you’re making it harder on everyone when you act like this class A jerk.”

“That bad, huh?”


“Shit. Sorry, man.”

“You need to apologize to Mom and Dad, too.”

Everyone was congregating by their respective vehicles, so I went over to my parents and apologized. “Sorry for acting like such an idiot.”

Mom grabbed both my shoulders. “You need to get a grip on yourself. This is a rough time for everyone, not just you. We understand how worried you are about your Scottie, but you make it harder for everyone.”

My Scottie, huh? Mom was right. I considered her mine. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll get rid of the jackass, I promise.”

Dad scowled but nodded. He was pissed off. I’d acted like a dick and he had every right to be angry.

Acer came around to each driver and told us where we were staying and which route each of us should take.

“Ace, I need to stop by Drex’s first so I’ll be a little late.”

Everyone set off, and I went back to Drex’s place.

When he let me in, he asked, “Is this going to be a civil visit, or do I need to put on my boxing gloves?”

“No gloves. I’m here to apologize.”

He opened the door wider so I could enter. Then I explained how sorry I was.


We both sat in the expansive living area and talked.

“Gem and Scottie are safe. I talk to Gem every day, but I do not know where they are. That’s the truth.”

“Can you at least tell me why they left?”

When Drex gave you one of his serious looks, he made you feel as though you were at the other end of a laser target. That’s how I felt, as though he was aiming a weapon at me.

“Scottie was targeted, and it wasn’t safe for her here anymore.”


“Do not repeat this to anyone. Understand?”


“Do you regret knowing?”

“Not sure yet. I traded frustration for anxiety. Can’t tell which one is worse.”

“I can ease your anxiety for now. They’re safe. That’s why they’re not here. They’re both traveling under aliases and using burners.”

“That’s a relief.”

He chuckled. “You think I’d let my wife go gallivanting around the globe without a safe cover?”

“Now that you mention it, no.”

“One other thing. Gemini knows everything about staying safe that I do. And she’s as shrewd as a fox. Add to that, Scottie’s experience, and I’m close to being one hundred percent sure the two of them can outsmart anyone.”

“But they’re women,” I argued.

His brows shot up. “Oh, man. Never let the two of them hear you say such sexist bullshit. They’ll both have you by the balls so fast you’ll never sit again.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. All I meant was my parents raised me to protect women.”

“Raiden, who are you trying to convince? That was the most sexist thing you could’ve possibly said. I’ll give you some advice. If you have the least bit of interest in anything long term with Scottie, or any woman for that matter, you’d better get that protective bullshit out of your head. Women can and will take care of themselves. Most can do a damn better job of it than you can. Who do you think saved your ass and took a bullet for you in the apartment that night?”

“That’s what I’m trying to avoid a repeat of. I don’t want her to get hurt again. What I said came out wrong. I was raised to respect and honor women. And to protect them at all costs. With Scottie, I feel so inferior because I have no ability to do that.”

“She’s not interested in someone to protect her. She knows how to do that on her own. I believe she wants someone who looks at her as an equal. Until you can do that, you’ll have a tough time with her.”

“I look at her as an equal. No, I look at her as one up from me.”

“Maybe that’s your problem. Get her off that pedestal you’ve placed her on. Start treating her like an equal. Then you’ll be on even footing.”

“I don’t know how to do that.”

“It’s easy. Treat her like a man. Except send her flowers and do pleasant things for her.”

Treat her like a man? That was ludicrous. “Are you trying to get me tossed in the dog house permanently?”

“What do you mean?”

“If I treated Scottie like a man, I’d be up a shit creek without Copyright 2016 - 2024