Raiden (The Kent Brothers #2) - A.M. Hargrove Page 0,35


I wanted to run my hands through his hair and hold him to comfort him, but I was useless. “I agree. In my estimation, he’s going after anyone who helped put his brother away. Revenge is a nasty thing, and we’re right in the middle of it.”

“Then promise me something. Let’s fight this thing together.”

I agreed but knew if it happened again, my training would kick in and I would repeat my actions, even if it meant sacrificing my life for him.

Chapter Seventeen


Scottie had been right. Her points were spot on. I needed to get a gun permit and learn how to become a decent marksman in case anything happened again like it did in the apartment.

“I’d like for you to move into the house with my family.” Before she could speak, I held up a hand. “This isn’t ideal, I know, but it’s your best option right now. We’ve divided up between Cruze’s and my place. I don’t care if you choose Cruze’s. Okay, scratch that. I’d rather you chose mine. But I’ll leave it up to you. I only want you to be safe. I’ll beg if I have to.”

“This time, I agree. It’s much different when everyone’s life is at stake, and I believe it now.”

Putting my hands in the prayer pose, I looked at the ceiling and said, “Thank you, God.” I totally meant it too. “Scottie, I don’t think I could’ve stood it if you wouldn’t have agreed. I’ve been so worried about you as it is.”

“I’m sorry. I hadn’t intended for you to feel that way.”

“I know. But you need your rest, because knowing you, you’ll try going straight back to work when you get out of here.”

“Yeah, Huff and I were onto something mighty important.”

The doctor told her everything was healing well. He was keeping the drainage tubes in and would stop by again that evening.

“Any chance I can leave tomorrow?” Scottie begged.

“That’s pushing it. The day after.”

Her glum expression let me know his response wasn’t satisfactory.

Then he said, “Rest is your best friend right now and the more you get, the faster you’ll recover.”

“Can I get up?”

“Sure, but not alone. You might fall.”

“What about a shower, doc?”

“Not yet. The nurse can give you a sponge bath, but that’s it. I want that incision to stay dry.”

After he left, she was in a rotten mood. She grimaced every time she moved. “Are you hitting that morphine button?”

She shrugged.

“Contrary to what you may think, pain control helps you get better faster.”

“And are you an expert on it now?” Sarcasm coated her words.

“No, but I have done some reading up on it.”

“As I have. I’m also a former DEA agent and I know how easy it is to get addicted to morphine, therefore I choose not to use it.”

“For fuck’s sake, Scottie, then ask for something else.”

She crossed her arms. “I did, and they refused.”

“What did you ask for?”


I threw back my head and howled. “You think that’s a suitable substitute for morphine?”

“Why don’t you ask Acer? He probably knows more about it than you do.”

My brother was a former heroin addict, but that’s not my story to tell. “You know damn well that’s not a fair comparison.”

Her chin tipped up in defiance. “Maybe, maybe not.”

“And it’s not like you to go after Acer like that.”

“You’re right. I apologize for that comment. I was wrong to bring him into this.”

“I can see you’re being obstinate about this, so we’ll agree to disagree.”

She tipped her head up. “As we did when you left the hospital against your doctor’s orders.”

“I do admit to that, but at least I took the prescribed medication.”

Her eyes fired a round of bullets at me before she lowered her lids. I wasn’t giving up, but damn, the woman was stubborn. Deciding reverse psychology was my best option rather than arguing, I raised my hands up and said, “I give up. Have it your way. Be in pain and miserable, extending your recovery time. It’s your body, not mine.”

She didn’t respond. After a few moments, I added, “I have to get back to the office, but I’ll return later. If there’s anything you need or want, please call.”

“Thank you, Raiden.”

Her soft words were a knife to my heart. I wanted to retract every harsh word I’d ever spoken to her as I stared at her slender form lying in the bed. “You know you can count on me for anything, right?”

“I do. Be careful out there.”

“Always.” I pressed my lips to her forehead Copyright 2016 - 2024