Raiden (The Kent Brothers #2) - A.M. Hargrove Page 0,19

rid of him since he’d be of no use.”

“But how? In the halls of a hospital? Those are busy areas.”

“Not if they drew him away.”

“Again, how?” I couldn’t see it happening.

“Who knows, Scottie? It’s anyone’s guess. But I have a bad feeling about it. I’m afraid he’s dead.”

“Fucking O’Brien.”

“That about sums it up.”

“Drex, give me one solid reason to think it’s anyone else.”

“I can’t and I’m inclined to agree with you and Isla. This, along with the fake cop showing up, is enough for me.”

“Oh, and thanks for doubling up on everyone. Especially Raiden and Cruze.”

“Yep. They need it the most. I’ll see you in a few.”

The call blew my concentration. I’d been running searches on drug shipments coming in from every location I could conceivably think of. Huff had gotten me into the DEA database, but my time was restricted. I could stay in about fifteen minutes each time before they would detect my presence. After that, I’d dive into the dark web, searching for any kind of footprint that reeked of fentanyl or heroin. Those were the current key players.

As I was fiddling around, attempting to regain my focus, Huff barged in. “Scottie, check this out.”

He handed me a set of papers, and I began scanning through them. The more I read, ice filled my bones until I shivered.

“Huff, this is bad. You think O’Brien’s got a piece of it?”

“Either a piece or all of it.”

Our gazes met, and he was dead serious. He didn’t waver, and I said, “We need to get the entire team together.”

Thirty minutes later, we all sat in the conference room. Huff had made copies for everyone and they read what he’d handed out.

“We’re looking at stolen military-grade weapons. The government won’t concede how many or what kind, but we know it happened. It’s under wraps and I never would’ve found it if I hadn’t followed this trail.” Huff was referring to a series of emails he’d found on the dark web. “Most people who don’t want their illegal activities uncovered use the dark web as we know. I tracked some emails regarding stolen weapons, and it led to what you have in front of you. If Aiden O’Brien is responsible for it, we have a huge issue on our hands.”

Isla spoke first. “Huff, get me into the FBI files so I can see if they are aware of this.”


“Can you do the same for me?” I asked. “It’s worth a shot. The DEA probably is ignorant of this since it’s out of their jurisdiction, but it won’t hurt to look.”

Drex rubbed his scruffy chin. “Who’s our best ATF link?”

Isla responded with, “What about the person you hooked me up with? He was a tremendous help.”

Drex nodded. “He was on my list to call. I’m trying to expand our resources.”

I waved my hand. “I have someone. We worked a case together back in the day. I’m not sure if she’ll help, but it can’t hurt.” My eyes linked with Drex’s, waiting for his answer.

“Call her,” Drex said. “Anyone else?”

“What about your former CIA connections, Drex?” It was Gemini who spoke up.

“Not a chance, especially after all the crap they put you and me through. Besides, they operate outside the US.”

Then Gemini asked, “What about the guy we know in Homeland Security?”

Drex looked at his wife and nodded. “Right. I’ll call him to see if he knows anything. Okay, make your calls everyone and text me when you have something. We’ll start the day tomorrow here.”

My gut was not taking this well. Terrible scenarios played out in my head. If O’Brien used these weapons on any of us, we had no defense. If he sold them to the highest bidder, the US could be in severe danger. Even worse, if they had stolen any nuclear weapons, we were fucked.

Scrolling through my contacts, I located my contact’s number. I hit it and it rang.

“Holy shit. Talk about a blast from the past. Scottie, how are you?”

“I’m good, Mia, how are you?”

“Still huffin’ and puffin’. What’s up?”

“Well, I need a favor. Are you still in Texas?”

“Sure am. Why would you think I’d ever leave?”

“I didn’t. I was only curious.”

“And you? Still in El Paso?”

“Nope. I’m in Denver.”

“Denver? Why there? Isn’t weed legal in Colorado now?”

I laughed. “Yeah, but I left the DEA and am working with a private company now.”

“No kidding! Wow, I’m shocked. I thought you were a lifer.”

“Yeah, it surprised me too. But you know, they made me the greatest offer and I would’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024