Rage and Ruin by Jennifer L. Armentrout Page 0,60

the two best coping mechanisms out there. I didn’t care what therapists across the world claimed.

Plus, Zayne was busy doing top secret stuff, so, whatever.

I just hoped whatever Roth wanted didn’t involve anything too...evil.

Shifting my weight from one foot to the other, I crossed my arms as a hot whirl of wind caught the hem of my long shirt, playing with the edges. The slim, lightweight iron daggers currently attached to my hips stayed hidden. Roth might be a cool demon 99 percent of the time, but I wasn’t stupid. Not that I needed the daggers when I had my grace, but I wouldn’t just whip out my grace willy-nilly and start a party with it.

I’d end a party with it.

The blur of vehicles slowed down as a sleek fancy-looking car stopped at the curb and the shivery heat along my neck and shoulders increased. One tinted window rolled down and I heard, “Hey, Angel Face, want a ride?”

My eyes rolled. I peeled myself away from the side of the building and inched forward, careful to not get flattened by the humans in a hurry. I started to bend down to peer into the window but the car door opened without either of us touching it.

Again. Nifty abilities.

“Get in.” Roth’s voice floated from the shadowy interior.

I hesitated. “How about ‘please’?”

A dark chuckle was my answer. “That word is not in my vocabulary.”

Groaning, I got in and was blasted with cold air. Roth was behind the wheel, dressed in all black and looking very much like anyone would imagine a demon prince would look.

One ring-adorned finger tapped the steering wheel. His rings were sliver and had some kind of markings on them, but I couldn’t make them out.

My gaze drifted over the interior of the car. Even with the tinted windows, I needed my sunglasses but the glare wasn’t as bad as usual. I could see a gold emblem on the steering wheel.

Was this a...Porsche? Good God, why were there so many buttons in a car? “Being a demon must pay well.”

“Being the Crown Prince does.” Roth grinned at me as he eased away from the curb.

“So, what’s Layla doing?”

“Currently marathoning Doctor Who with Cayman,” he answered. “And I want no part of that life.”

A tiny ball of melancholy formed in my chest. Marathoning movies and shows. I used to do that with friends.

I missed Jada.

“Sounds like a good time. What’s your favor?”

“Not into small talk, are you?” The Porsche came to a stop at the light. “Did you tell Zayne you were heading out with me?”

“No.” I laughed. “Doubt he’d be cool with whatever this is.”

“Why? You think he doesn’t trust me?”

I folded my arms and said nothing.

Roth chuckled. “He knows I’m a bad influence.”

“So, your favor is something that’s going to fall under you being a bad influence?”

“Oh, most definitely.” The car started moving again. Outside the windows, the buildings were beige blurs. “I need your help.”

“I figured that much.” I looked over at him.

A faint grin reappeared. “Remember Bambi?”

Immediately, I thought of the Hummer-size snake that had acted like an abandoned puppy in need of cuddling when she’d seen Roth. Familiars often resided as tattoos on the body of the demon that controlled them, but Bambi was now with that damn coven of witches that I hoped soon found themselves unexpectedly in the middle of a bonfire. I nodded. “The giant snake that’s with Faye, the witch.”

He inclined his head. “Bambi has been with me for a long time. Not that I have favorites, but she is...special to me.” Roth’s gaze was fixed on the road. “When Layla was hurt by her clan, I couldn’t fix her. She was so bad off and she was...” His jaw clenched. “She was dying, and that meant I would do anything to save her.”

I stayed silent, letting him speak even though Zayne had already told me most of this.

“There are good witches and there are bad ones. Faye’s coven worships Layla’s mother, Lilith, so I’m sure you can figure out which side they landed on.”

The side that had no problem selling enchantments to use on humans who’d ended up slaughtered. Anger simmered, prickling at my skin.

“We’d figured they’d be willing to help save Layla to score brownie points with Lilith,” he explained. “Cayman went to see them and came back with a cure. I didn’t know until later that they’d demanded Bambi in exchange.”

“Would knowing that have changed anything?”

“No,” he answered without hesitation. “They could’ve asked for my life and I

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