Race the Sands - Sarah Beth Durst Page 0,82

were here, Tamra knew whom she’d bet on. But is a win for Lady Evara a win for us?

“You mentioned the purchase of my prize kehok,” Lady Evara said, “and I am afraid that’s not a simple request. The Becaran Races are my passion, and the black lion and his rider have shown significant potential with their performance in their first qualifying race.”

Augur Yorbel inclined his head, as if acknowledging Lady Evara’s passion. “As you may know, the emperors of Becar have a long tradition of participating in the famed Becaran Races with kehoks of their own. It was only in recent generations that this tradition was broken and the royal stables disbanded. The new emperor-to-be has tasked me with restarting a stable, in his name, beginning with the finest, fiercest racer I can find.”

Lady Evara smiled, and Tamra couldn’t help but think of the jackals that lurked on the edges of the city—her smile was like their expression when they scented prey. “You are purchasing for the emperor-to-be. With his funds. To bring him his very own racer. How wonderful.” Even Raia’s parents had leaned forward in their seats, as if scenting gold in the air. Tamra recoiled from all of them.

It was all coming apart. Even if they stayed out of jail and weren’t banned from the track, how could their future be anything but ruined if the augur bought the lion? Tamra felt a tightness in the base of her stomach, as if her body wanted to revolt. She wished there was a breeze in the waiting room. The air felt thick and still, with a sour scent. As if their conversation was curdling the very air.

Affecting a sigh, Lady Evara continued, “But I am afraid even that noble purpose does not affect my reticence. This kehok, with its superlative trainer and promising young rider, has a chance at bringing me to the grand champion’s ring, a long-held dream of mine. Ah, to see the Heart of Becar again at the peak of the races! To be at the center of it all! The thrill of it! The joy! You are asking not only to purchase a kehok, but also to purchase a dream.”

That . . . seemed a bit much. But she didn’t really care about Lady Evara’s dream of grand parties and overflowing praise. Even without them, her patron would be rich and comfortable and no worse for wear. But for Tamra, Shalla, and Raia, this was their future. Tamra had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from speaking up.

She had to bite hard enough that she bled, so she wouldn’t scream.

“Two thousand gold pieces,” Augur Yorbel said.

Raia’s mother made a little whimpering noise.

Tamra felt her jaw drop. That was an extraordinary amount for an opening bid. Hadn’t this man ever haggled before? And how could Lady Evara refuse? Tamra could already feel Shalla being pulled from her life by the augurs.

“Far too low,” Lady Evara said. “For me to even consider an offer—”

And then Raia jumped in, before Tamra or anyone could stop her. “I have to come too.”

Everyone turned and stared at the girl.

Lady Evara, who hadn’t so much as glanced at Raia yet, pierced her with her uncomfortable gaze. Tamra saw Raia squirm, as if she wanted to slip out of the chair, out the window, and out into the desert.

Knowing protocol had already been violated with this interference in their negotiation, Tamra spoke up, nothing left to lose at this point. “A racer needs a rider and a trainer. You buy the kehok, then you must also employ us.” Even as she said them, though, she wished she could take back the words. Because the reality of what she’d just demanded hit her: she couldn’t go to the Heart of Becar with a kehok and an augur, miles and miles away from Shalla!

And yet, Raia needed this, and Tamra did too. It would mean separating from Shalla for now, but if they won, it would ensure they could have a future together. “The races have already begun, and there isn’t time for the kehok to become accustomed to a new trainer and rider.”

She expected Lady Evara to be angry at the interruption, but instead she was smiling even more broadly. “What a splendid idea!” Lady Evara cheered. “You can’t simply purchase a kehok and expect to be competitive in the race. Hire Trainer Verlas, Rider Raia, and me as the emperor-to-be’s personal consultant. Plus three thousand gold pieces,

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