Quit Bein' Ugly (The Southern Gentleman #3) - Lani Lynn Vale Page 0,4

it, and that was where I was at right now.

It’d been a little over six months since I’d taken this class over, and I was no closer to conquering the students now than I was when I took the job.

Luckily, I only had about a month and a half left before this set of kids graduated.

Then, maybe, I could find a different class to teach since I knew absolutely freakin’ nothing about theater.

“You would’ve gotten beaten by your computer, and who the hell knows what the hell would’ve happened after that,” Croft countered, sounding pissed as hell.

That was when I turned to face him fully.

“What’s it even matter to you?” I countered. “Last I checked, you weren’t my brother or my boyfriend. Whatever happens to me should matter little to you.”

Croft’s jaw tightened and he narrowed his eyes.

“It doesn’t matter to me,” he growled. “Except I don’t want my friend to have his sister hurt.”


About six months ago, I’d thought that Croft was going to be my one and only.

Only, just as I was thinking that and getting my hopes up, he was thinking other things.

Things that had nothing to do with me.

There I was, thinking that we had something that could be happening between us, and he was bringing dates to the gym to work out with him.

It was more than obvious after the third time that he’d brought that particular woman that Croft and I weren’t ever going to be a ‘thing.’

The only thing we had going for us was being work colleagues.

He worked at the CrossFit gym that my brother and I co-owned together. Croft taught classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at six in the morning.

While I taught classes at seven thirty in the morning those same days.

There was a lot of running into each other and him running into me here was the very last thing that I ever wanted to happen.

Yet… there he freakin’ was.

And better yet, he’d experienced my humiliation.

I turned my back on Croft and spotted my likely useless computer on the ground.

I walked over to it and picked it up, opening it up while also biting my lip hoping that it wouldn’t be broken like I knew it probably was.

But, no such luck.

It was broken as fuck, and there would likely be no saving this one.

Luckily, I had a great friend that dealt with computers on a daily basis, and he also happened to work at this school teaching computer technology classes. I could take the computer to him after school and see if he could salvage it.

“Well, rest assured that I’m fine. You both may leave,” I snapped, trying not to allow my eyes to roam over Croft’s sexy as sin body.

Croft wasn’t super in-your-face sexy. Well, not totally anyway.

In fact, if I had to rate him right now, I would say that he was an eight on his usual eleven scale.

When was he an eleven, you ask?

Well, surprisingly, it wasn’t when he was sweaty, in knit shorts and tennis shoes, working out at the gym.

Nope, it was when he came into the gym in his suit and ties, dressed to the nines when he was just getting off of work. Or going to work.

Or anywhere in between.

The man could fill out a pair of jeans. He could rock a polo shirt. He could also hold his own when it came to working out and having his abs on display.

But when he was in that suit? It was as if I lost my ability to think.

Luckily, right now he was only in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

So, still sexy, but also allowing me to retain the ability to produce coherent sentences.

“You need to report Abrams,” Croft murmured. “That was downright ridiculous. Even if it wasn’t you, a teacher should never, ever have to deal with that.”

I agreed.

A teacher should never fear for her own life like I did today.

But, saying that, I knew that Bryan Abrams was a troubled kid.

Out of all the students that I had in the class with me, I’d never have expected that of him.

“I’ll talk to him first,” I disagreed. “There’s something more going on there. Abrams doesn’t normally act like the other ones.”

At least, when I’d met him originally, he didn’t.

Now? Now he was different. I wasn’t quite sure what to think of him and his actions lately.

I knew that there was something more going on, but again, I didn’t know what. He wouldn’t open up to me, and it was beginning

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