Quiet Protector - Shandi Boyes Page 0,140

yes. Now, I’m man enough to admit I don’t give a fuck what Isaac Holt thinks. He isn’t anyone I’m out to impress, so why not let him think he has one over me, where, in reality, he’s helping me?

“All right. Release the info.”

“Yeah?” Grayson double-checks, stunned I agreed with his idea.

“Yeah.” As a grin tugs on my lips, I add, “Can you just give me a few hours. I’ve got plans today I don’t want ruined when the news breaks.”

Grayson sounds pleased when he replies, “I’ll keep everything on the burner until you give me the green light.” With the tension keeping his back straight slackened, he slouches low into his chair. How do I know this if we’re talking over the phone? I heard his chair creak. “I think this will work well for us, punk. It isn’t kosher, but when has anything we’ve ever done been kosher?”

His reply has a double meaning, but you won’t unearth what it is until after I’ve ensured every inch of Melody is clean. I’m the one who made her all sticky, so shouldn’t I be the one who ensures she’s thoroughly cleaned?

“Call me in a couple of hours, then we’ll go over the best way to have Isaac unknowingly working for us.”

I hear Grayson’s cheeks incline into a smile. “Will a couple of hours be long enough, punk?”

My lips crack into a true and genuine smile. They’re more and more often these days. “Probably not, but since I’ve got a lifetime of hours at the ready, I’ll take what I can get.”

Pride projects in Grayson’s voice. It’s barely heard over his chuckles. “Tell your girl I said hello… maybe not while cleaning her insides with your sausage, though. Don’t want her accidentally shouting my name.”


His chuckles pick up, loving that I fell straight into his trap. “I’m joking, punk. Have fun.”

His laughter rings in my ears long after he disconnects our call, only weakening when the beat of my heart overtakes it. Fear isn’t responsible for the spike in my pulse, it’s realizing happiness is guiding my motives this morning instead of worry.

“Melody,” I say with a stomp before pushing open the partially cracked bathroom door. The mirror is foggy from how hot she likes her showers, but no amount of steam has me missing her smile when our eyes collide. “Can I come in?”

When she nods without hesitation, I enter the bathroom, removing my shirt as I go. My chest swells with smugness when Melody drags her hand across the misty glass to improve her view. As I remove my sleeping pants, she stares at me with hungry eyes, hardening my cock to the point it’s painful.

Once my boxer shorts are kicked to the side, she opens the door, welcoming me into the steamy space with a blistering smile. Upon noticing an open shampoo bottle on the bathroom shelf, I gather up the conditioner before squirting a generous amount into my palm. For years I thought I was trained to protect, honor, obey, and serve Melody, but only the past few months have I realized I had planned to do those things long before I pinkie promised her father.

When Melody galloped down the stairs of her family ranch with a mouth full of toothpaste and a foamy smile, I didn’t even know her name, but I knew I’d love her for eternity. That’s why I trained so hard and never gave up. And that is why I’ll condition her hair even with my erect cock keeping a good distance between us.

Intimacy isn’t purely physical, it’s about being open, honest, and free. Seeing someone’s bad flaws and still loving them despite them, and being so deeply connected to someone that you feel like you see their soul in their eyes any time you look at them, confirms those intimate feelings.

That’s what Melody and I have. We’re best friends, lovers, and soul mates. And once all is said and done, I’m also hoping she’ll be my wife.



“Looky here, looky here, the goody-two-shoes son came to pay his evil brother a visit.” Madden’s tone is way too cocky for my liking. He’s shackled, wearing an orange jumpsuit and being guided down the hall by a man with biceps as big as his head, yet he still thinks he has the world at his feet. What can I say? You can’t change arrogance.

“What’s up, BJ? Daddy’s tenancies finally rubbing off on you.” Since his hands are cuffed at his front, he has no issues

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