Quiet Protector - Shandi Boyes Page 0,135

her feet to gather her belongings. While Brandon walks her to the door, I breathe out the excited butterflies in my stomach. I only got to meet Bobby once before Brandon’s visits were switched to supervised, but now there’s a high possibility he’ll get to live with us in New York. Jesus. This turned out better than we were hoping.

“We need a bigger apartment,” I jest with a laugh when Brandon closes the door with Phillipa on the other side. “And another bed. You know how much I love to hog. Poor Bobby will get squashed—”

My words stop when my eyes collide with Brandon’s across the room. His eyes are holding the same amount of excitement as mine. It just isn’t giddy, kiddy-like enthusiasm brightening his. He’s in awe, and every inch of his admiration is directed at me.

“Grayson…” I don’t know what Grayson replies in the earpiece in Brandon’s ear, but I hear cords being yanked out through the speakers above our heads before the room falls into resolute silence. A few seconds after that, Brandon says, “Thank you. I will.”

After a smile that curves my knees inward, Brandon removes the wireless device from his ear, switches it off, then dumps it in the drawer in the entryway table. My heart patters in rhythm to his polished shoes when he bridges the gap between us, then it breaks into a dangerous cantor when he signs, “You are so fucking brave, so strong, and so damn pretty. I have never been more impressed in my life…” his pause almost kills me, “… or turned on. Jesus, Melody, when you put Ophelia in her place, even Grayson got hard.”

I laugh. I can’t help it. “Grayson gets horny when the wind blows.”

“He does, but I don’t,” Brandon argues, stepping closer. “I thought I was broken.” He pauses again. This one is more to reflect than tease me. “I was broken. You fixed me. You resuscitated me and breathed life back into my lungs… and then you gave me back my son. I don’t know how I can ever thank you.”

The sob his praise lodged into the back of my throat rattles my vocal cords when I say, “You did it, too, BJ. You fought for this as fiercely as I did. I am so incredibly proud of you as well.”

His hands shake when he cups my jaw. He’s not scared. I’ve never met a man as strong as him. There are just too many emotions firing between us for a nonchalant response. “I want to kiss you.”

My tongue instinctively darts out to moisten my lips before they raise into a smile. “Then kiss me.”

An excited zap darts down my spine when he mutters, “I don’t think I’ll be able to stop if I start.”

“Then do not stop,” I reply without an ounce of hesitation, caught up in the sentiment fueling our exchange. Our adrenaline is high from our successful sting, but it has nothing on the mutual respect, admiration, and love we have for each other. The past few months were tough, but we were tougher, and we came out of it stronger.

As Brandon’s eyes bounce between mine, he replies, “I do not want to hurt you, Mellowy.”

I trace my index finger across the jaw of a man I’ll never stop loving. It’s stronger than it was when we were kids, more determined, but it’s still very much him. It still belongs to my Brandon. “You don’t know how to hurt me, BJ. You’re incapable of hurting me.”

When I step back, pulling out of his embrace, the euphoric gleam in his eyes fades to vulnerability. He has nothing to be worried about, nothing at all. I’m not going anywhere.

Not now.

Not ever.

Brandon’s chest rises and falls in rhythm with mine when I commence unbuttoning my shirt. He watches each pearl button pierce between the shimmery fabric before stalking the material soundlessly float to the floor. I’m still wearing a pleated business skirt, thigh-high stockings and a bra that’s more frumpy than sexy, but the way Brandon looks at me makes it appear as if I am naked.

Mercifully, it’s a heated stare.

After giving him time to absorb the tiny imperfections on my body he knows by heart, I sign, “Your turn.”

I wait and wait and wait, praying my wish to fall back in time works in my favor.

It’s answered brilliantly three heart-thrashing seconds later. After tugging his dress shirt out of his black trousers, Brandon undoes the top three buttons of his shirt before

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