Quest of the Highlander (Crowns & Kilts #5) - Cynthia Wright Page 0,81

the wind. I bid ye, tell me the simple truth.”

Her voice was barely audible. “The…truth?”

“Aye!” His eyes flashed. “Why have ye kept our wedded state a secret here in London, and why won’t ye come with me to Surrey, as my wife?”

Never had Nora known anyone who had the courage to speak so directly, even though he risked being hurt by her answer. Her heart swelled anew with love for him.

“All right.” Her voice shook, but she drew a deep breath. “I will tell you.”

Chapter 23

Nora’s lovely face was just inches away. He wanted to lift her off the chair, into his arms, but instead he waited, watching her, seeing the suffering in her eyes.

“I cannot go with you to Greythorne Manor because I am with child.”

Lennox drew back slightly, stunned, but then her words sank in, and he wanted to shout with joy. “A babe! But that’s wonderful!”

No answering smile came from Nora. Instead, she shook her head. “Do you remember the night I came to your bed and asked you to take me away from Stirling Castle? You knew I had a more desperate reason than I could share, and yet you were good enough not to press me.” She paused, but he merely continued to watch her, waiting this time for a terrible blow. “The fact is I had to get away from Stirling because I already knew that I carried a child.”

Silence filled the air, heavy as smoke, as the truth became real. “Slater’s babe.”

“Yes.” Nora leaned forward and framed his face with both her hands. “I am so sorry. I wanted to tell you the truth the first time we lay together, but I suppose I was afraid and confused. At Duart Castle, when I revealed that I was not a virgin, I intended to tell you the rest, but—”

“Ye were too great a coward,” he said flatly, feeling misled, betrayed, confused, angry.

Tears filled her eyes, as if he had strategically used his dirk to inflict a flesh wound. “Yes. I was. You were so good to me after hearing that I had lain with another man that I simply couldn’t bear to shock you with one more hard thing. I knew how much uncertainty lay ahead, and I wanted to share that night with you.” She turned her face away. “It was such a beautiful night. I’ll keep the memory with me always.”

Did she mean to bid him farewell, forever? Ignoring her last words, Lennox replied, “I see no sign that ye are with child. What if it’s a mistake?”

“Women know,” Nora said, flushing slightly.

“What the devil does that mean? This is too important for ye to speak in riddles. I have known my share of lasses, including my own sister, and I know more than ye might think.”

She swallowed. “I have not had my monthly flow since that night with…him. The very sight of food makes me feel ill.”

Her reference to Slater made him see red. “If that villain were not already dead, I would kill him with my bare hands. Slowly.”

“Even that could not change the past.” She shook her head again. “Besides, there is no point in this conversation. You must see that any thoughts you might have had about a future for us must end. You are going with your father to Surrey, and I will remain in London, weaving.”

The anger he had felt just moments ago was gone now, replaced by a determination to change this outcome. “Nay, I do not see anything like that.” Reaching up, he dared to pull her into his arms. “Ye may be with child, but the babe will need a father. Come with me, Nora. We’ll tell the duke that we wed in Scotland, and no one need ever know the rest.”

She made a token effort at struggling to free herself, then softened against him, clinging to his wide shoulders. “Lennox, can you not see? You have a new life ahead of you. I watched you today with the duke. I saw a bond that began to form the moment you first saw each other. If this is the life you are meant to have, the part of you that has been missing, you must go with him and explore it without anything to hinder you.”

“Stop that. Ye could never hinder me.” He heard the throb in his own voice before he did the next, very natural thing and kissed her. His mouth slanted over hers, and she made a little sobbing sound Copyright 2016 - 2024