Quest of the Highlander (Crowns & Kilts #5) - Cynthia Wright Page 0,57

Lennox gently stroked the pad of his thumb back and forth over the dog’s brow, eliciting another sigh.

“You’re a good lad,” he murmured, and was rewarded with another deep sigh.

“Ah, I love a man who is kind to animals,” a female voice proclaimed from the doorway.

Lennox looked up to see Cicely, Lady Fairhaven, standing there with her husband and their greyhound. Fergus seemed to understand the situation, for the hound shifted his head back to rest on his own two paws, allowing Lennox to rise.

The earl looked around the cavernous hall, sniffing hopefully. “We are ravenous. Is that venison I smell?”

“Aye. I think so.” Lennox looked at the countess. “My lady—”

“Please, do call me Cicely.” She gave him a charming smile.

“Cicely, can ye spare a few minutes of your time before the MacLean and his clansmen return? I would speak to ye about a matter of importance.” When young Fairhaven shot him a glance, Lennox added, “Both of ye, of course.”

“I would be pleased to help you,” Cicely replied. “Do you seek advice? I’m exceptionally good at that.”

She was already taking a chair near the hearth, where something savory bubbled in a hanging pot. Fergus barely stirred as the two men joined her.

“Where is your lovely wife?” Cicely inquired of Lennox, turning her face to bask in the fire’s warmth.

After a moment, Lennox realized she was referring to Nora. “My bride is a weaver, and Hector Mór has kindly offered his wife’s loom for Nora to use during our stay. She is very gifted.” He heard the pride in his own voice. “I left her with the loom, choosing the best shades of blue to use for her tapestry.”

Tilly and a few of the servants had begun to appear in the hall, laying the boards for the midday meal, and Lord Fairhaven watched them anxiously.

“Will there be venison?” he queried.

One of the girls gave him a cheerful nod. “Aye, sir!”

Realizing that his time was short, Lennox reached for the leather pouch at his belt and brought out the miniature. He hadn’t told Hector the real reason he sought the man in the doublet, and he didn’t plan to divulge anything so personal to these English nobles, either.

“I have a question.” Lennox showed the miniature first to Lord Fairhaven then handed it to Cicely to study. “Do either of ye recognize this man?”

She scrutinized the painting, brows lifting, and his heart jumped with hope. “How long ago was this miniature made?”

“Nearly three decades ago.”

“Robin and I had not been born then,” came Cicely’s reply. She shook her head. “How could I possibly recognize this man? Quite honestly, he resembles my own brother, Andrew, who was but a lad then.” She studied the miniature again for a long moment, then gazed at Lennox over the top of the gold, oval frame. “Why exactly do you seek this gentleman?”

He managed an offhand shrug of one shoulder. “It is a family matter.” Seeing that she would not be satisfied by this, he added, “The man may be a relative.”

“Ah.” Cicely cocked her head. “Are you truly serious about finding him?”

“Aye. It is the reason we have traveled to Duart Castle,” Lennox replied, realizing that if these English aristocrats could help him, he should be more forthcoming. “I suppose it would be true to say I am on a quest.”

She threw up her hands. “There is nothing for it, then. I feel certain my brother, the Duke of Aylesbury, can help you. You must come to London with us, and I shall arrange a meeting between you.”

Even as Lennox considered this, his heartbeat accelerated. Was it possible that this new turn in the road might take him to his real father? “It would mean a long journey…”

“It would. Did you have other plans?” Cicely inquired sweetly.

The lass was shrewd. “Nay, although my horse waits for me in Oban.” He paused, feeling a twinge at the memory of the expression on Chaucer’s face when he’d left him behind with Tom, the stableboy. “I will find someone here who will return him to Stirling Castle, with a message for my family.”

“It sounds as if you’ve made up your mind,” Cicely said approvingly. “I feel certain your quest will bear fruit in London.”

“London?” echoed a familiar voice. Lennox turned to see Nora walking toward them.

He rose to greet her, surprisingly cheered by her presence. “Come and sit down. Are ye hungry?”

“I am!” Her cheeks flushed becomingly. “Weaving is harder work than you know.”

“We were just discussing the miniature Copyright 2016 - 2024