Quest of the Highlander (Crowns & Kilts #5) - Cynthia Wright Page 0,5

Ciaran only increased Lennox’s feelings of harsh confusion. Without a backward glance, he started toward the spiral staircase that led up to Alasdair Crotach’s chamber. He could anticipate every worn place in the broad stone steps, every arrow-slit window that let in the damp breeze from Loch Dunvegan, for he’d climbed these stairs since he was no bigger than Lucien.

Arriving in the clan chief’s bedchamber, Lennox saw that the old man was sitting up in a chair, a warm plaid wrapped around his bony shoulders. He had lived more than nine decades and was the oldest person Lennox had ever known. It seemed to the proud members of clan MacLeod that Alasdair Crotach might never die.

“I was near asleep,” the old man said in a raspy voice.

Ciaran came to stand on Lennox’s right side, and Fiona appeared on his left.

“Grandfather,” Ciaran said loudly, “Lennox wishes a word with ye.”

Magnus came into the room then, still holding the berserker chess piece. “What the devil is this all about? I don’t trust Tormod to leave the board undisturbed!”

Lennox raised a warning hand at Ciaran. “I do not need ye to speak for me.” He looked at Fiona. “Both of ye, leave us.”

Fi again looked stricken, but she tugged at Ciaran’s sleeve and said, “We must do as our brother bids.”

When they went out, Lennox closed the heavy door behind them and gestured for Da to take a seat on the bench near Alasdair Crotach’s chair. Both men were now regarding him warily. The emotions that surged inside Lennox, like fire in his heart, were so unfamiliar he felt a moment of terror.

“I know now that I am not a MacLeod by blood, and ye two have kept this secret all my life.” he said harshly. “Today, I demand the truth.”

Magnus’s hazel eyes widened with shock. “How did ye learn this?”

Reaching into the leather pouch he kept belted to his plaid, Lennox withdrew the miniature and thrust it in front of them. “Ma had hidden this in the base of that silver casket she gave Fi before her death. We discovered it today.”

All three of them stared at the exquisitely-painted miniature of the man in the jewel-trimmed doublet, who looked exactly like Lennox. The rasp of Alasdair Crotach’s breathing filled the tower room, while the blood drained from Magnus’s face.

“So, that must be your true da,” Grandfather said at last. “A nobleman, from the look of him.”

The words cut straight to Lennox’s heart. His true da. With a glance, he saw that Magnus’s eyes were wet. “’Twould seem so,” he agreed, wishing he could feel as hard as his voice sounded. “Who is it?”

Grandfather glanced away. “If ye came here expecting me to have these answers, ye have wasted a journey.”

It stung that Alasdair Crotach could dismiss this event that had shaken the very foundations of Lennox’s existence, yet it was not surprising. The old man had not maintained his rule of their clan for seven decades by dispensing kindness and sympathy.

Lennox deliberately turned away from his grandfather, toward Magnus. “What have ye to say, Da? I know ye have held this secret every day of my life. If ye care for me at all, prove it by telling me the truth.”

“I… I am as stunned as ye are to see that man’s face. It brings back a deep pain I’d thought was in the past,” Magnus said, his voice raw. “Lad, I have always loved ye as a son, for I thought ye were mine until after your fourth birthday.”

Lennox pulled up a wooden stool, sat down, and stared at him. “Tell me everything.”

“Ach! Ye would think no other bastard had e’er been born in all of Scotland!” scoffed Alasdair Crotach with a wave of one gnarled hand. A sudden warning glance from Magnus caused him to draw a wheezing breath and fall silent.

Magnus addressed Lennox in beseeching tones. “I know how much ye loved your ma. I feared it would break your heart to know she had been untrue to me…and that I was not your true da.”

“That is a poor excuse for living a lie and keeping me in ignorance.” Lennox leaned forward, filled with a steely resolve. “Tell me.”

“Aye, I will, but I only know part of the story.” Magnus coughed. “I accept my share of blame for your ma taking Ciaran and leaving Skye. She was very angry with me.” His face went red with shame. “I dallied with a kitchen maid, and Ellie walked in on us. Copyright 2016 - 2024