The Queer Principles of Kit Webb - Cat Sebastian Page 0,63

long table. “You took Lord Holland with you in the carriage today.”

He decided not to ask her how she already knew that, figuring he wouldn’t like the answer. “And?” he asked, not turning away from the kettle.

“I came here to tell you that you’re in over your head,” she said. “Without Rob to look out for you—”

Kit laughed, and it came out bitter and startled. “You of all people know that I looked out for Rob, not the other way around. Don’t tell me that grief has made you forget what kind of man he was.” Kit had spent half his life getting Rob out of scrapes, and he’d give up the use of his good leg for the chance to do it again.

Scarlett pressed her lips together in a line of displeasure. “He’d have kept you away from Holland.”

“I see.” Kit could hardly deny it. Rob would have tied Kit to a chair before letting him get cozy with a lord.

“No, you don’t. Tonight, Lord Holland is at a ball.”

Kit recalled how abruptly Percy had left that afternoon. “I imagine he goes to a good number of balls.”

“No, he doesn’t, because he spends his time drinking coffee here and doing what I can only imagine in your back room. Tonight, though, he made an exception, because an old friend of his was to be at the ball—the duchess’s brother, Marcus Hayes. Holland’s childhood playmate. Tonight, Lord Holland was seen embracing Mr. Hayes and then proceeded to spend an hour privately with him in the gardens.”

Kit glanced at the clock. “It’s not even ten o’clock. I’d love to know how you already know all this.”

“Whatever it is that he’s doing with you, he’s also doing it with your betters.”

“I’ll be sure to offer him my felicitations the next time he drops in.”

“Betty’s worried about you.”

Kit sighed and slid a cup of tea in front of Scarlett, shoving the maps to the side to make room. “Betty’s always worried about me.”

“When I was a girl, I let my head get turned by a man who was handsome, rich, and titled, not to mention charming. When we were together, he made me believe I was the only person in the world who mattered. I left my home and only learned when it was too late how cheaply he held me.” She held the teacup in her hands, as if to warm them. “Understand me. I don’t regret what came of that. But I will never forgive him for making me believe that I was worth as little as he valued me.”

Kit knew enough of Scarlett’s history to understand that it was a common one. But he also knew that the moral of Scarlett’s story wasn’t that rich men abandon their conquests; it was that when you’re treated badly, you start to believe you don’t deserve any better.

He could hardly disagree. He could hardly tell Scarlett or even himself that he expected Percy to do otherwise. The truth was that he didn’t expect anything different.

“I hope you know,” he said, “that I realize how lucky I am to have women like you and Betty looking out for me.”

“Spoken like a man about to ignore some good advice,” Scarlett said ruefully.

As there was no answer he could possibly make to that, he simply raised his teacup in a silent toast.

Chapter 30

Percy had to concede that he wasn’t precisely making the best decisions.

His last attempt at prizefighting had ended with injury and mortification. The prospect of more of the same did not deter him so much as serve as enticement. He thought another slice to the arm might shake him out of his dismal mood, or at least give his melancholy something to focus on other than his future.

Besides, he wanted a sword in his hand. And, God help him, he wanted to win that purse. He wanted to know that he could take what he was and make it amount to something.

“My lord,” said Collins from the door to Percy’s dressing room. “I took the liberty of making some purchases.” In his arms he held a mass of black objects of some sort.

Percy watched as his valet placed a pair of black leather boots before him. They were soft, probably kidskin, and laced up the front in the way a woman’s boots might. But unlike a woman’s boots, they were tall enough to almost reach Percy’s knees.

Next to the boots, Collins laid out a pair of black breeches. They, too, were made of soft Copyright 2016 - 2024