The Queen's Assassin (Queen's Secret #1) - Melissa de la Cruz Page 0,95

mouth with a white napkin. “Lady Lila, what was the name of your ancestral estate again?”

“On our maternal grandfather’s side, that would be Backley Hall, in Stavin,” I tell her with a false smile, annoyed that she has placed the spotlight on us, and worried about catching the attention of the ambassador. People on the opposite end of the table lean back in their chairs to get a look at the strange girl. I glance down, letting the wig obscure my face.

“Backley Hall,” says one of the courtiers near the king. “I don’t think I’ve heard of it.”

“Oh, the vizier can tell you all about it,” says the duchess. “I hear he has a personal connection. Maybe he’d be willing to share?” The duchess leans forward, making the diamond earrings that hang to her shoulders swing and glitter in the light. I’m suddenly self-conscious of my own naked ears.

I hate to admit it, but the duchess is very, very pretty. She’s all rosy cheeks and gold hair, and so small and feminine and soft. Maybe Cal even enjoyed kissing her. I take another long draft of my wine.

“My pleasure!” The vizier begins to stand. A footman rushes forward to pull the ornate golden chair out for him. He launches into the same story he told the other day, about Lord Holton the Elder leaving him an emerald ring.

“Are you all right?” Cal asks worriedly when I almost tip over the finger bowl.

“I’m fine. I’m sorry I can’t be more elegant, like your gorgeous girlfriend, Duchess Flirt.” I’m practically snarling. And probably being far too loud. I don’t even care.

“More champagne, lord, lady?” A footman leans forward between us.

I hold out my empty flute.

Cal shakes his head. Then he puts his hand out to the waiter, stopping him from pouring any more into my glass. “My sister has had quite enough.”

“Don’t listen to my brother,” I growl. “Pour.”

I drink from my newly full glass.

Cal sighs. “What’s going on? You are jealous. I had to kiss her! Or we would have been discovered!” he argues.

“No choice, did you? Well, from what I saw, you seemed to be enjoying it.” I wish I’d never helped him escape from Deersia; I should have let him rot there.

“Everything all right down there?” the duchess calls across the table.

“Absolutely,” Cal says. “My sister is chastising me for continuing to feast.”

“Nonsense,” the duchess says. “Who doesn’t like a man with a bit of meat on his bones?”

The ambassador raises his hand, and his husband smacks it down. “You’re terrible!” he says, laughing.

Lady Helena adds: “A gentleman should eat as much as he pleases, unlike a lady. Though I believe Lady Holton knows that already.” She looks approvingly at my full plate.

“It’s been a long day and the wine is strong,” King Hansen says. It’s the first he’s spoken during the entire meal. “Leave the poor girl alone.”

At least someone is sticking up for me. The duchess takes exception to that. “Just a bit of fun, Your Majesty, no harm meant.” She bats her eyelashes at him but he isn’t paying any attention to her whatsoever. The king looks directly at me. Like he can see straight through the makeup . . . the wig . . . the gown . . .

I turn away from his gaze. Servants are placing dessert in front of us. This ordeal is almost at an end, and then I can go lock myself upstairs, wipe this paint off my face, and continue our search for the duke’s true allegiances.

A tall chocolate confection arrives, dusted with powdered sugar and a dollop of fluffy sweet cream. I pick up my fork and skim a bit off the side. I’m aware of tension in the room but don’t want to look up. I just pick at my cake. The table has become awfully quiet. I glance up and see that the king is still watching me. Everyone else is aware of it too, but they’re pretending they aren’t.

“Lady Lila,” King Hansen says. “Have you received an invitation to the Small Ball?” Copyright 2016 - 2024