The Queen's Assassin (Queen's Secret #1) - Melissa de la Cruz Page 0,80

he can, which causes a cascade of completely different feelings. While in the past he would gladly manipulate the duchess’s attraction to him if he were alone on this task, he is not alone. To make matters more awkward, it appears Shadow is trying as hard to get away from him as the duchess is to get closer.

The house itself is little more than a huge brick rectangle covered in windows, a strangely utilitarian architecture considering its pretentious resident. All of Montrice’s architecture appears this way, though, created with defense taking precedent over decoration. Strong buildings made to protect a weak people, Cal thinks. Renovia, he realizes, is quite the opposite: a powerful populace who surround themselves with beautiful, ornate structures.

The carriage grinds to a halt in the paved circle at the front of the house. Two footmen wearing deep-red uniforms stand outside the front entrance. One of them rushes forward to open the carriage.

The other footman holds out his hand for Shadow; Cal climbs out after her. The duchess follows, gripping the footman’s hand tight and a bit longer than strictly necessary. “Good to see you again, Danier, darling.” Cal notices that Danier smiles at the duchess in a way that would be considered highly impudent from a servant in Renovia.

They walk up the stairs out front and through the double-doored entry into the foyer. It’s not quite what Cal expected—less pink and feathery than he’d have guessed the duchess’s home would be . . . it is far more traditional and stern. There are black-and-white-checkered tiles throughout the front hall, with walnut paneling covering the walls from floor to ceiling. Against that backdrop, the footmen look more like part of the décor than actual people.

“Hellooo,” Duchess Girt calls out. Two white fur balls scurry up to her feet, yapping, their nails clicking on the tiles. “Oh! Mommy’s babies.” She picks them up; little pink tongues pop out from under all the white fur and begin licking her face. “You missed your mommy! Yes, you did!”

“The duke is in the library, my lady,” the footman tells her. He stands still, hands behind his back, staring ahead.

“Thank you, Danier, darling,” she says. And to the tiny dogs: “Let’s go see Daddy, shall we?”

“I thought your husband passed away?” Shadow blurts.

Cal is wondering as well. Who can she be referring to?

“Passed awa—oh!” She laughs. “Oh dear, no. I meant he passed on the dinner invitation. The duke has no interest in idle gossip and nonsense. Or at least that’s what he calls it; it’s not nonsense to the rest of us, now is it?”

“No, not at all,” says Shadow, glancing at Cal.

He can’t help but notice how a sigh—almost of relief—escapes Shadow’s lips. Perhaps she’s jealous, Cal realizes, and the thought consumes him. The idea sparks something in him, but he can’t risk the distraction and pushes it aside.

* * *

FROM THE FIRST GLANCE Cal can already tell the Duke of Girt is nothing like his wife. He is a good deal older, with a quiet manner, withdrawn where the duchess is outgoing and loud, and clad in much simpler clothes than the other Montrician nobles Cal has met so far. He is vaguely familiar, and Cal wonders whether he has met the duke before, but cannot place him. The duke keeps his dark hair—no wig—held back in a low ponytail. His suit, also black, is finely tailored but simple and unadorned except for a fine platinum pocket watch and a simple ring with a black stone on his fourth finger. Like all aristocrats, he is heavily perfumed—perhaps even more than most. Cal has a desire to hold his nose. Still, despite the unassuming demeanor, the duke isn’t particularly friendly or welcoming.

When he sees two strangers enter the library behind his wife, he doesn’t hide his irritation. Without acknowledging them, he looks at her and says, “You are aware we have an entire hunting party invited to the estate this weekend?”

She doesn’t address what he said directly, and nuzzles the dogs in her arms. “Darling, this is Lord and Lady Holton of Bruckley Villa. They were guests of the vizier. They’re only here for a short time, and Lady Lila has misplaced all her luggage and Copyright 2016 - 2024